Raw Review: Daniel Bryan and Triple H Come Face-to-Face

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Big Show pre-taped promo/Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry and Big E vs. Rybaxel, Damien Sandow and Alberto Del Rio

All eight men are apart of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, as Big Show announced himself in the match during his pre-taped promo.

Big Show chokeslams Sandow for the win, in an uneventful 8-man tag match.

Batista w/ Renee Young

Renee asks Batista about his earlier comments and why he’s still in the building. Batista says he never quits, and regardless of if he has to deal with Triple H or Daniel Bryan, he came back to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and that’s what he’s going to do. Batista is good at stuff like this, his in-ring work has been bad since his return, but you can’t take his promos away from him. He’s a good actor, which isn’t exactly the same as cutting a promo, but it certainly helps with his fantastic delivery.