WWE Raw Review: John Cena vs. Randy Orton

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Mark Henry Promo

Henry comes out and apologizes to the fans for his performance last night. The crowd chants “What?” after every pause in his speech. Why he’s getting that as a face doesn’t make sense from the fans.

Rusev and Lana would come out and get heavy boos from the fans. The Ravishing Russian got the fans riled up by taunting Henry about his loss last night and mocking the accents of people from Tennessee. Lana asks the crowd if they want to see a rematch and received a somewhat mixed reaction, but Henry still goes for it anyway and accepts.

Mark Henry vs. Rusev

Rusev took over and controlled Henry from the start of this.

It was another very slow match. These two just don’t work that well together as two big men. They need to move on from this rivalry and hopefully this was the end of it. It was slightly better than last night, though.

Rusev would end up putting Henry in The Accolade and cause the World’s Strongest Man to pass out.

Rusev wins via submission.

2.5 out of 5 stars – Where Rusev goes next will be interesting. You have to assume this is the end of that story.

Adam Rose and the Bunny vs. Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil

The bunny was involved in this match and on the winning side. That’s all you need to know.