WWE SmackDown Live Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for April 11

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Mojo Rawley vs Jinder Mahal

Result: Mojo Rawley wins via pinfall

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

The next match of the evening features a rematch of sorts between Mojo Rawley and Jinder Mahal. Their feud came about when Mojo won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Many believe that the win can be credited to NFL player Rob Gronkowski, who had offered an assist to his friend at WrestleMania. Ironically enough, Gronkowski was present here tonight on SmackDown Live as well.

In a rather short contest, Mojo scored another win which continues his surging momentum. The closing moments once again revolved around Gronkowski, who this time decided to spill his drink over Mahal. Distracting Mahal long enough for Mojo to take advantage, the New England tight-end watched with a smile on his face as his friend earned the victory. To close out the segment, Mojo celebrated both with Gronkowski and the rest of his friends who came to watch him compete.

To me, this match exemplifies everything that is wrong with WWE drafts. For every strong trade that is made, SmackDown Live seems to receive at least one detrimental star. Nothing against Mahal (he is an acceptable athlete) but he isn’t the guy to receive ample time on the Blue Brand.

That sort of thing might make the cut on Monday Night Raw, however, SmackDown Live doesn’t have time to waste. Each match and segment need to be meaningful, and it must get over at least one talent. What we saw tonight failed to meet either of those requirements, a trend that needs to stop before it picks up steam.