WWE Payback 2017 Predictions

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credit: WWE.com

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Neville(c) vs Austin Aries

At Wrestlemania 33, Neville and Aries put on an absolute classic cruiserweight title match.  Squaring off during the kick-off show, the 205’ers tore into each other with a beautiful blend of violence and grace and over the course of 19 minutes these two warriors engaged in one of the best matches of the entire card.  So with Neville winning that match without any help (other than his fingernails in Aries’ eyes), why would these two go at it again at the very next pay per view?  Very simple.  Neville and Aries are currently, far and away the best two cruiserweights in the WWE and this feud needs to continue on.

Neville has taken well to his new role as the smug, under-appreciated champion and his current work has been better than anything he’s done since arriving in the WWE.  And Aries, well he’s been Aries.  An amazingly talented worker in and out of the ring who brings a resume to the WWE, unlike many others.  He’s a guy that’s been wildly popular in every company he’s ever worked for and it seems to be catching up with the WWE universe.  It’s really not tough to see why this program is firing on all cylinders and needs to proceed.

Much like their match at Wrestlemania, this one is a bit of a toss-up.  Both guys have compelling reasons to walk out of San Jose with the cruiserweight belt.  But let’s just go with what makes sense from a booking perspective.  This feud clearly has life in the future.  If Neville wins again marking two consecutive pay per view wins over “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived”, this story is essentially over, and that would be a shame.  I’m banking on it continuing and that will require an Aries victory Sunday night.

Winner and new champion: Austin Aries