WWE Backlash 2017 Results: Best and Worst Moments

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Worst: Family Feud

Man, this one is painful to write. I love Luke Harper, and think he’s way more talented than he’s had the opportunity to show. And Erick Rowan seems to be showing more character than ever before, so I expect good things from him coming up.

But the match tonight? It was, well, it wasn’t good.

In what was supposed to be “punishment” for Harper for leaving the Wyatt Family (which doesn’t exist anymore, either, so why now?), Rowan fell short in his goal. Okay, no biggie. But this was so sloppy, and on top of that it wasn’t compelling at all.

Look no further than the end of the match to see how sloppy things were. Last time I checked, Harper used the Discus Lariat as his finisher. The announce team called it a clothesline, but it was more a rolling forearm than anything else. Heck, it was more of a face smush than a clothesline. Whatever it was, it wasn’t pretty.

And what’s with Rowan trying to gain power from his sheep masks? Is it the new urn or something? Why is Rowan getting supernatural after he’s no longer associated with Bray Wyatt? Did any of this make sense?

With any luck, this will be all the blowoff for this story line and it’ll end here. Both guys need to move on to different things. Harper, especially, needs a high-profile storyline; it’s long overdue.