WWE: 25 Greatest Entrance Theme Songs of All Time

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Daniel Bryan

Full disclosure: This is one of two entrance themes on the list that spent considerable time as my ringtone. So obviously it was going to make the countdown.

Daniel Bryan was no stranger to having great themes thanks to his time on the independent circuit. For years in Ring of Honor, he entered the arena to “The Final Countdown” by Europe. About a month after arriving in WWE, Bryan initially used “Ride of the Valkyries,” an operatic work by Wagner made popular by Bugs Bunny.

However, WWE wanted to try and pep things up a bit, because let’s face it, late 1800s opera isn’t exactly a selling point to a modern audience. After a brief trial with “Big Epic Thing,” Bryan first came out to “Flight of the Valkyries,” basically a heavy metal version of his earlier Wagner theme.

Not that Bryan really needed the boost, since he had the support of the most hardcore WWE fans, but the new theme really clicked with the crowds. After a little while, Bryan adopted the Yes! chants that would be his signature, and his WWE career would reach new heights.

The modernization of a piece of classical music – similar to what Jim Johnston did for The Undertaker’s theme – is a great way to give a superstar a unique sound to differentiate from the masses.