WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: 5 Bold Predictions

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5. Sasha Banks Wins the Raw Women’s Title

What makes this seem unlikely at this stage is that Sasha Banks has gotten the upper hand against Alexa Bliss for the past few weeks. Alexa Bliss is not looking strong and the match should be her proving she is the top woman on Raw. However, creative have thrown curve balls before and it is entirely possible that Sasha Banks one-ups Alexa again and actually wins the title. The way things are being booked, it feels possible that Nia Jax is being poised to challenge for the title at Summerslam. Nia and Alexa are both heels, and that feud would instantly make Nia a face, so it would make sense for Sasha to capture the title and lead into a feud with Nia.

That would then make Sasha a very temporary title holder, but there does need to be a change within the division. It is suffering badly right now, and Alexa is a great talker and so good in the ring but something is just not working. Bayley has been booked so poorly and she has lost basically all of her momentum. In order to rebuild the division a big change has to happen, and Sasha winning the title may just help do that. Whatever does happen, let’s hope for a good match and a shift in the division that benefits all the women on the Raw roster.