8 of 8


Overall Impression

What a great show. What a great showcase for a part of the product that hasn’t been seen in America.

The only match that wasn’t all that interesting was Mojo Rawley vs. CJ Parker, but if they’re given the chance, they can right that wrong.

NXT completely delivered on this show, and if you’re one of the many people whose feed cut out during the main event, please go back and watch it. If you missed the show entirely, please go watch it. It’s available on the WWE Network archives.

If you liked what you saw, continue to watch. There’s more talented women, like Bayley, Sasha Banks and Ric Flair’s daughter Charlotte. There’s more talented men like Enzo Amore, Colin Cassady, Corey Graves and Tyler Breeze, who obviously appeared here but didn’t get to actually wrestle. There are many more, it is a very talented young roster.

If this was you’re first experience with NXT, I’m sure you were very impressed.

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