Raw Review: 3/3/2014

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The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

It may have been better than the match at Elimination Chamber. It probably wasn’t that good, but this had more storyline importance.

Fans of The Shield may not have liked it too much though, because despite all the tension that has built between Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, it was Seth Rollins who got tired of being the glue that held The Shield together and he walked out on his partners.

Rollins started the match and had a ton of energy. He hit back-to-back dives over the top rope, landing on his feet both times. He literally hit one on Luke Harper while landing on his feet, then immediately climbed back in the ring, and hit one on Erick Rowan on the other side of the ring.

It was interesting to see Ambrose and Reigns fight for each other, and anybody who thought they knew where this storyline was going, is left scratching their heads, much like Reigns and Ambrose.

If this means that Rollins comes out of this stronger than people originally thought, that would be great. The athleticism he showed at the beginning of this match showed exactly why he deserves to be a singles star.

Batista w/ Renee Young

Batista talked very negatively about Daniel Bryan. Saying he couldn’t believe “what passes for a WWE Superstar these days”. He said Bryan could never be what he is in the WWE, and he’s going to prove that tonight.

So Batista’s a heel now, and he’s much better off this way. However, this proves even more how much something has to give in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania. It can’t be heel vs. heel, in Batista vs. Randy Orton, or can it? Nothing they do here will surprise me, but I still think Bryan edges his way in.