WWE WrestleMania 33 Results: AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon Highlights


In one of the top feuds from WWE SmackDown, AJ Styles and Shane McMahon would face off at WrestleMania 33. Who walked out the winner?

AJ Styles and Shane McMahon’s feud on WWE SmackDown Live has led to reactions all over the place, mostly due to this being the opponent for Styles. The match happened anyway, despite the fan criticism, and took place during the heart of the show at WrestleMania 33.

All the talk came to an end at the Show of Shows, as these two faced off for the first time. Who walked out of this as the winner?

Somewhat surprisingly, this match opened WrestleMania. The past two years, the ladder bout has taken this spot, but WWE went in a different direction here.

Shane and Styles kept things pretty much even to start, including the former showing off the wrestling skills people assumed he didn’t have. He may not be able to punch to save his life, but some of the grappling wasn’t too shabby.

It was very much a wrestling match too, as everyone expected McMahon to do a bunch of crazy spots as his only part. He even kicked out of a Styles Clash.

The referee then got inadvertently taken out, leading to anything going here. So Styles brought out a trash can, which you knew a coast to coast would follow, right? It wasn’t Shane, though, because Styles went for it, but got smacked in the gut by the recovering Commissioner. Then Shane lined up and hit it!

After much back and forth, including both men nearly breaking bones, Styles hit the forearm and won. What a match!

A wild opener to kick off WrestleMania. These two got a lot of time to tell their story, and did way better than expected. Go back and watch this on the WWE Network.

Next: 25 Greatest WrestleMania Moments

With the winner of Styles vs. McMahon having been determined, what did you think of it? Did the match exceed your expectations?