TNA Impact Wrestling: Results and Highlights for April 20

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X-Division Championship Match
Trevor Lee(c) vs Andrew Everett vs Dezmond Xavier vs Sonjay Dutt vs Suicide vs Low Ki

Result: Low Ki becomes the New X-Division Champion

This match started with complete pandemonium including a five-way dropkick on Trevor Lee.  Dezmond Xavier is trying to make a name for himself and he is pulling out all the stops with his aerial attack. After the match starts to calm down, the two competitors left in the ring were Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett.

They get their chance to battle as the other competitors are out of commission.  Competitors start to make their way back into the ring but Trevor Lee continues to fight off the competition.  Sonjay Dutt almost wins his first X-Division Championship after an inverted 619 rocks Low Ki.

Xavier thinks he has the number of Everett with an athletic reversal but Everett shows the athleticism of his own.  Everett hits a pair of reverse Frankendrivers but Low Ki wins with the Warrior’s Way.  Low Ki becomes a five-time X-Division Champion in this six-way contest.

Next: Top 10 TNA Stars Ever

The X-Division got the main event spotlight and it was well deserved.  The competitors brought out every move in their arsenal to try and bring the focus back on the division.  Newcomer Dezmond Xavier fit in perfectly with everyone else.  While returners Sonjay Dutt and Low Ki showed that they haven’t lost a step.  It is nice to see the X-Division in the main event as I wouldn’t mind this being a renaissance for it.