WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Predictions

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Rich Swann & Sasha Banks vs Noam Dar and Alicia Fox

Of all the matches Sunday night, this is really the only one that no real ramifications.  There’s no title on the line, no number one contender opportunity, and the feud isn’t even really all that hot.  This is just a pure, unadulterated, time-filler.  And that’s a shame.  All four combatants are solid, some even, great talents.

It’s been quite a fall from grace for Banks.  A former 3-time RAW Women’s Champion as well as NXT Champion, “The Boss” now finds herself on the lower card, wasting her time in this program that’s been more silly than heated, with most segments between the four ending in some sort of comedic gag.  Swann too, the former Cruiserweight champ, deserves better.  And Dar and Fox, they’re capable of more and are two of the very best under the radar stars.  For everyone’s sake, let’s hope this is a one and done.

Well now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, let’s focus on the potential outcome of the match.  As mentioned before, this feud doesn’t have a lot, if any, heat and also doesn’t have much of a future.  So normally in that case, you’d expect the baby faces to get the win, if anything, just to make the audience pop.  But on the “go-home” episode of RAW, Swann used some help from Banks to defeat Dar while “Foxy” flailed at ringside.  It doesn’t make sense for them to win again.  I’m going out on a limb, but I think the heels pick up the victory.

Winners: Noam Dar and Alicia Fox