WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 12

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Source: WWE.com (via Twitter)

Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass

Result: Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows defeated Enzo Amore & Big Cass via pinfall

Rating: 2.0 out of 5 stars

Before the match, Cass was allegedly hit in the back of the head and was found regaining consciousness. I don’t know, he seemed to recover pretty quick. I’m sure we all saw The Revival lurking backstage (not to mention breaking up the brawl between Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar earlier in the night). But I’m convinced Cass is “hurting” himself, and he’s the one taking out Enzo.

Anyway, because Cass is kinda dumb (despite being pre-med in college), he goes through with the match anyway. Concussions be damned! Big man can barely stand up, so of course, Enzo isn’t able to tag out late in the match. That opens him up to a Magic Killer, and Gallows and Anderson get the one victory a month they’re entitled to.

As they set up for a second Magic Killer, Big Show comes down to make the save. All of a sudden, now Cass can stand up. And he is not happy. He thinks Big Show is moving in on his territory – you can see it on his face.

Backstage, Enzo asks if Big Show laid out Cass – since a big man would need to be involved if it was a single blow to the head knocking Cass out. Show takes exception, but realizes that it’s probably Cass asking through Enzo. Show calls Cass SAWFT and everyone gets shocked eyes.


Remember what I said about Goldust earlier? Truth’s “films” are okay, but they’re not on Goldie’s level. And if Goldust’s clips are getting dull, well, R-Truth needs to make a move now.

Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe is the best, and you can’t convince me otherwise.