WWE Raw: 3 Potential Feuds for Big Cass

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Big Cass, Credit: WWE.com

Now that Big Cass looks to be heading off on his own, who might be his potential future foes?

For the past month, the duo of Enzo Amore and Big Cass seemed to be under attack from a mystery person or persons.  There were several theories thrown out there about the identity of the attacker.  Enzo believed it to be The Revival, while Big Cass was pointing his finger at The Big Show.  But there was another theory floating out there, mostly by the fans, that Big Cass himself was somehow involved.  That theory was proven to be correct on the June 18th episode of RAW as Corey Graves unveiled surveillance footage that proved that “The Big Bambino” had orchestrated the entire ordeal.  Cass didn’t deny it very long as he went into a vicious diatribe on the man who is now his former partner, cementing that notion with his right boot to Enzo’s mouth to close out the show.

Quite honestly, this was a long time coming.  No offense Enzo.  He’s a talented guy and one of the best talkers in the company, but his wrestling skill leaves a lot to be desired.  He honestly might be better served as a personality as opposed to an in-ring superstar.  Cass, on the other hand, has it all.  Size, wrestling ability, mic-work, and the superstar look.  Now on his own, he has a massive future ahead of him.  But first, he’ll have to close this thing out with Enzo which shouldn’t take long.  Maybe a match at Great Balls of Fire that sees Cass victorious may be all this feud needs to end.  From there, for Cass, the skies the limit.

Here are three potential future feuds for Big Cass, post-Enzo Amore.