WWE NXT: Legado del Fantasma defeat Hit Row in main event


After a critically reviewed NXT TakeOver 36, another edition of WWE NXT was set for the Capitol Wrestling Center. With multiple new champions ready to gloat about their conquest, and the emergence of the long-reigning Kay Lee Ray, there was a lot to look forward to heading into the show.

The night started out with Cameron Grimes and Ted DiBiase out to the ring to celebrate him capturing the title from LA Knight at TakeOver 36. He and DiBiase talked about the importance of his victory on Sunday and ended the moment with money raining from the sky.

Ridge Holland was out next with Pete Dunne for a singles match with Timothy Thatcher.

This match was as hard-hitting as expected, with both men delivering shots at the start of the match. Thatcher took the fight to the ground to attach Holland’s knees, but Holland fought out of the position. They got back to their feet where Holland dropped Thatcher with a forearm. Thatcher attempted to fight back from the ground but Holland continued to hammer him with shots to the face.

Holland dropped Thatcher again with an elbow and went for a pinfall to get a two count. Thatcher got back to his feet and went for the belly-to-belly suplex but Holland kicked out at one. Thatcher attempted to isolate Holland’s arms and it was working until Holland hit a head-and-arm suplex. Thatcher when back to the arm with a kimura, before hitting a standing switch to hit an uppercut to the neck. Holland powered out and hit him with a clothesline, forcing Thatcher to roll outside.

Thatcher got back in the ring and was grounded where Holland went for a chin lock. They ended up in a slugfest where Thatcher got the upper hand, slamming Holland into the middle rope. Thatcher went after Holland’s ankle, sitting into a single-leg crab. Thatcher went for another kick to the head but Holland blocked it, flooring him with a headbutt. He would then drive him into the mat with a modified DVD to pick up the victory.

Ridge Holland defeated Timothy Thatcher via pinfall.

After the match, Dunne, Holland, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch attacked Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa, leaving them lying around the ring.

Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro were out next for a tag team match against Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin.

Carter and Dolin started out the match with Carter knocking both women from the ring with dropkicks before feinting dives. Catanzaro was distracted before getting laid out from behind. That allowed them to isolate Catanzaro in their corner. Jayne was now in the ring to continue the assault on Catanzaro.

The combination offense continued, but neither woman could get a pin on Catanzaro. She was able to get around Dolin to make the tag to Carter who went on a run against both women. However, she was soon double-teamed as well, with Jayne making the pin attempt for Catanzaro to make the save. That save led to her hitting an assisted 450 splash on Jayne to get the win.

Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter defeated Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne.

Valentina Royce was out to welcome Kay Lee Ray to WWE NXT in a singles match.

Ray went right to work on Royce’s arm, forcing her to retreat to the corner. Royce went at Ray with a bunch of strikes, but Ray swatted her away before planting her with a reverse suplex. She followed that up with a body slam and a knee to the chest.

Royce was able to get off some of her own offense, hitting a dropkick to knock her into the ropes. She tried to pick up the pace only to run right into a superkick. Ray finished off Royce with the Gory Bomb for the win.

Kay Lee Ray defeated Valentina Royce via pinfall.

The NXT Breakout Tournament finals were up next, Odyssey Jones against Carmelo Hayes.

Jones was showing off his strength right from the gate, causing Hayes to stall early That power saw Hayes get tossed across the ring and rolling outside. As Jones attempted to get back into the ring, Hayes landed two dropkicks to force Jones to one knee. Hayes followed up with a pump kick but the springboard backfired as Jones swatted him out of the air.

Jones hung Hayes in the corner, battering him with shots. Hayes was able to avoid the shoulder charge and jump on his back with a sleeper before transitioning to a front choke. Hayes knocked Jones down to one knee with a pump kick and landed a knee. He was finally able to take him down with a head scissors, then a leg drop but Jones kicked out at an early two.

Hayes ran back into a shoulder breaker and Jones cut off his momentum. Hayes dodged Jones, causing him to crash into the post. Hayes landed a leg drop off the top rope but could not make the pin. Hayes went for it again and missed. Jones then hit him with a splash, but Hayes reversed the pin to get the three count and the victory.

Carmelo Hayes defeated Odyssey Jones via pinfall to win the NXT Breakout Tournament.

Boa was out for singles action against Xyon Quinn. Boa was all over Quinn from the start, eventually stomping away on him in the corner. Mei Ying gave Boa a sign and that allowed for Quinn to get the advantage and lay Boa out, picking up the victory.

Xyon Quinn defeated Boa via pinfall.

The main event of the night was a six-man tag between Hit Row and Legado del Fantasma.

Legado came out of the gate quickly, attaching Hit Row and isolating Top Dolla before the bell sound. B Fab made the save, giving Dolla the opportunity to get back in control of Santos Escobar. Joaquin Wilde was isolated on the wrong side of the ring where all three members of Hit Row took their turn on him. Adonis was rolling, taking Wilde out on the floor before Hit Row stood tall in the ring.


Adonis remained in control when they got back in the ring, mocking Escobar along the way. But that gave Escobar the opening to cause him to hit the turnbuckle face first, and from there he took over. Swerve was also isolated in the ring and Legado made frequent tags, assaulting him in the corner.

Their unique offense continued, with Wilde hitting an assisted top rope splash for a two-count. Swerve was able to get some space for himself, eventually rolling through and tagging in Dolla. He immediately ran over Escobar, before bouncing him around the ring. Even as Legado tried to overwhelm him, he continued to dominate all three men. Adonis made the tag and Legado took that opportunity to swing things in their favor.

Mendoza hit a missile dropkick and attempted to make the pin, but Swerve broke the pin up with a House Call to the head. Serve and Escobar ended up in the middle of the ring. Swerve hit a Flatliner and attempted to follow up but a fight broke out on the floor. Swerve hit the 450 splash but Escobar kicked out. B Fab was rammed into the steel post before Elecktra Lopez came out to even things up with a led pipe.

That distraction was enough to allow Escobar to roll up Swerve and pick up the win.

Legado del Fantasma defeat Hit Row via pinfall.