WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017: 3 Potential Opponents for Brock Lesnar

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1. Braun Strowman

Many people may be surprised that it is Braun Strowman’s name on this list, and not Roman Reigns’ name.

Yes,  Reigns is undoubtedly a worthy and likely opponent for Brock Lesnar’s belt (especially with how The Guy is always booked), but Great Balls of Fire is not the place for that exchange.

There has been talk about a Reigns vs. Lesnar match at WrestleMania 34, so it would not make sense for WWE to have their two biggest stars go head to head on a PPV that is not even considered “Big Four.”

Instead, this opportunity can be given to Braun Strowman. Strowman has rapidly improved since the brand split, and he has become a bonafide main eventer and a true Monster Among Men.

WWE (and Vince McMahon especially) have always been looking for the next top big man, and they finally found one that the crowd can actually believe and get behind.

Ever since WrestleMania, Strowman has been more tremendous than ever. He viciously beat down Reigns, flipped an ambulance, put Kalisto in a dumpster, and completely broke the ring.

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He also managed to put a great beat down on and entertaining match with Roman at WWE Payback. Despite the beat down, Strowman and Roman Reigns are not finished with each other yet.

So, as this feud carries on through Extreme Rules, Strowman will be able to continue to build his momentum and solidify his place as No. 1 contender for Lesnar’s title with another beat down of Reigns.

As for Reigns, these attacks will give the Big Dog supposed sympathy as he begins his redemption story as he battles to eventually defeat either Strowman or Lesnar for the belt at a big PPV.

As for Strowman vs Lesnar, that will be an absolute clash of the titans. It will be an exciting brawl between two big men, and it will be a sight that needs to be seen at Great Balls of Fire 2017.

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Those are the three most likely opponents for Lesnar at WWE Great Balls of Fire 2017. Who do you think Lesnar should face at the PPV? Sound off in the comments below!