WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Results: Best and Worst Moments

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Source: WWE.com (via Twitter)

Best: Whisper In The Wind From The Cage

The story of the night seemed to be stupid and/or poorly explained rules. In the Tag Team Championship match, it was more the former – Jojo explained before the match that both members of one team had to be on the floor at the same time for the match to end. And if you’ve ever watched WWE programming, you’d know that probably meant some kind of wacky, screwy finish.

But who cares about all of that – Jeff Hardy, after all these years, is still nothing more than a crazy, insane, possibly stupid spot monkey.

Jeff had actually escaped the cage several minutes prior to the end of the match. However, Matt was left alone in the ring with Cesaro and Sheamus. It looked less likely by the minute that he’d be able to escape the cage when faced with a 2-on-1 disadvantage. Jeff climbed back up to try and pull him down, but it wasn’t enough.

After an assisted Super White Noise, Matt looked to be in pretty bad shape. So Jeff did what any good brother would do – he climbed back up the cage to try and help his partner. (Well, maybe a really good brother would use the door to get in quicker, but I digress.)

Related Story: Jeff Hardy Jumps From The Cage At Extreme Rules

Rather than just jump in and go to town on the challengers, Jeff delivered one of his signature moves from the top of the cage – a Whisper in the Wind. It’s the kind of spot that makes highlight reels for years to come, but also one that ends up costing your team the titles because you now have to re-escape the cage. Oops!