The Mount Rushmore of Women’s Wrestling

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Where would professional wrestling be without its female performers? What would it lose in terms of athleticism, grit, pageantry and appeal? Our writers put together their Mount Rushmores of women’s wrestling to celebrate this long list of phenomenal talent.

The “Women’s Revolution” tagline has been used in recent years to describe the heightened importance being placed on women’s wrestling in WWE. Truth be told, strong and influential female performers have existed for decades, both inside and outside of the ring, and it’s time for them to be recognized for their contributions.

Much like the Mount Rushmore lists on the men’s side, the task of choosing only four women was a difficult one. Each of our contributors took different approaches in completing their lists.

While some placed more importance on in-ring work, others decided to look at overall influence on the business. Some Rushmores focused on the modern era, while others chose to give a more historical perspective.

Regardless of the chosen modus operendi, there was one consistent theme: each list is comprised of trendsetters and trailblazers. Each and every one of these women left – and in many cases continue to leave – a positive mark on the industry. Let’s celebrate their legacies.