Wrestling: Ranking the top 10 finishing moves in history

WWE, Drew McIntyre (photo courtesy of WWE)
WWE, Drew McIntyre (photo courtesy of WWE) /
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WWE, Roman Reigns
WWE, Roman Reigns (Photo by Ron ElkmanSports Imagery/Getty Images) /

8. The Shield Triple Powerbomb

Powerbombs are awesome.

It’s a simple yet effective move with a huge impact. It’s one of those moves that you’d want to hit your little brother with on the bed.

It’s also one of those moves that you could probably say has lost its sheen in the modern-day scene. I’m not saying that we now see it being overused like the superkick or the running knee, but it has lost its kayfabe level of devastation as the wrestling style has evolved.

It no longer has the potency of a match-ender as it had back when Undertaker had the Last Ride as his finisher, or when the Batista Bomb used to end matches, or when Scott Hall had the Razor’s Edge, which nobody ever kicked out of, or even when Kevin Nash used the Jackknife Powerbomb to win titles.

The powerbomb rarely ends matches nowadays, which is a shame considering the brilliant bombs we see being executed in matches. We see powerbombs from the top-rope, on the floor, onto tables and it’s mostly only enough for a near-fall.

Jushin “Thunder” Liger innovated the gorgeous Liger Bomb, in which he jumped to land his legs perfectly on his opponent’s shoulders into a pinning predicament.

Kota Ibushi has probably one of the most impactful powerbombs in the world and it still isn’t his proper finisher.

However, all that’s null and void when it comes to the Shield Triple Powerbomb.

It’s the devastating finisher of one of the most dominant factions of all time, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, the Hounds of Justice, the Shield.

The Triple Powerbomb is simple yet effective. Basically, Ambrose and Rollins pick the victim up and place him on Reigns’ shoulders, and then they both assist him in the powerbomb.

This simple powerbomb with the supposed assists is responsible for decimating countless wrestlers, including legends like Undertaker and Triple H, it’s responsible for The Shield having a lengthy six-man-tag undefeated streak, and it had its fair share of contribution in propelling Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns to the main event.

Although I’m not 100% sure, I couldn’t find anyone who’s ever kicked out of the Triple Powerbomb.

It’s a brilliant trio move and the Shield found ways to make it even more dangerous by putting their opponents through tables and performing from the top-rope.

It’s the most badass finisher for the most badass trio in tactical vests and once it’s hit, it’s over, simple as that.