WrestleMania 30 Counterpoint: Streak Ends, Bryan Wins



The Streak Finally Comes To An End When Brock Lesnar Defeated The Undertaker, Good Or Bad?

Andrews Take: Lesnar should have not been the guy and that is obvious. I do not hate that the streak is over, but i am more in mourning for what looks to be the end of the Undertaker’s career. Yes, it should have been a younger guy and you can name any of them. This definitely was a dark cloud over the rest of the show.

Mike’s Take: I’ve thought about this a lot since it happened, and let me tell you why it’s brilliant. This was great storytelling, even if it didn’t look very pretty. The Streak needed to end at some point. The man who ended The Streak needed to be somebody who could survive that heat and never be a face again, which takes out pretty much every potential candidate, including the front-runner, Roman Reigns. Looking at those two facts, Brock Lesnar is the only man who could be a serious candidate. Lesnar should now be built as a monster that doesn’t lose for two years, until WrestleMania 32, when Reigns slays “The Beast” and ends his reign of terror.


Thoughts On Daniel Bryan Finally Becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Andrews Take: After all, those months of WWE screwing the fans and Daniel Bryan. They reward us and he at the biggest stage of them all. However, I see Brock Lesnar stepping up into the title picture sometime in the near future. He demanded a title shot and did not get it, he beat Taker at mania. What else does he need to accomplish other than being champion one more time?

Mike’s Take: I was in the Siver, I mean, Superdome last night. My soda exploded all over the floor when Bryan pinned Triple H, and I leaped and pumped my fist when Batista tapped out. Many people joined me in that celebration. Some people, myself included, high-fived and hugged strangers when it was over and Bryan held both belts. It was exactly what needed to happen and every fan should be happy that they didn’t give Bryan the title last fall, this was perfect.


Should Have John Cena defeated Bray Wyatt?

Andrews Take: HELL NO. Ok, so you can make an argument on should or should have not Cena won this match. I feel Bray should have due to him being younger, and on the rise in WWE. However, Cena is an established star and this story can continue. Bray didn’t care if he won, he just wanted to ruin Cena’s legacy. He did so or at least got close to it. Extreme Rules is their rematch.

Mike’s Take: This match was an amazing display of storytelling. The way Cena would have control and then lose it because of the Wyatts’ mind games was extremely well done. Bray Wyatt will get a win over John Cena eventually, but it wasn’t last night and that’s okay. Every generation deserves a Hulk Hogan, and when Cena hugged that kid at ringside after the match, he proved why.

Overall Thoughts On WrestleMania 30

Andrews Take: Going into this show, i thought this was a weak card. However, it was different from what was on paper rather than what we got in person. From the start with Hogan, Austin and the Rock to the streak ending and finishing up with Daniel Bryan being champion. It was good, maybe great. It all depends on who you ask.

Mike’s Take: I thought this was a great card going in. Triple H-Daniel Bryan going on first was brilliant. The surprise of Cesaro entering the battle royal, and winning it was great. The crowd was completely blindsided by The Streak ending. Then, the crowd roared in the end for Bryan when he made Batista tap out. It looked great on paper, and it looked great in the ring. This will be in the discussion for greatest WrestleMania of all time.

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