Ranking the top 10 matches of CM Punk during his time with the WWE.
It’s been over two-and-a-half years since CM Punk graced a WWE ring and in that time much has changed within the company. Multiple titles have changed hands and been created, the brands have once again split, and wrestlers who were just prospects during Punk’s time have now emerged as stars. Within this new crop of talent, the overall product inside the ring has improved and there have been a number of great matches since The Straight Edge Superstar’s departure.
However, for every great match that the new era superstars put out there, Punk can throw one of his many to match them. During his tenure with the WWE, Punk was always one of the most consistent performers, churning out classic match after classic match for the better part of five years. No matter who the WWE could throw into the ring with Punk, he always seemed to find a way to make the match work. He had the ability to make even the more pedestrian workers look like top flight pros and he never did anything in the ring halfway.
Punk’s classic’s started even before he came to WWE. Between his bloody battles with Chris Hero in IWA Mid-South, to his Ring of Honor wars with Colt Cabana, Austin Aries, and Samoa Joe, Punk had no problem performing at the highest level even when only in front of a couple hundred people. His trilogy with Samoa Joe alone was some of the best wrestling the sport has ever seen.
So it was no shock to see him rise to the level of stardom that he eventually did when he finally made it to the big leagues. There are probably about 30 matches that could be mentioned but I’ve narrowed it down. Ahead we count down CM Punk’s top 10 best WWE matches.
Next: No. 10