Predicting 5 WWE Stars That Will Be Released in 2017

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WWE certainly has an influx of new talents while scouting for more. The following are five current stars likely to be cut in 2017.

Being signed to a full-time contract with World Wrestling Entertainment is nothing to downplay. It’s a sign of achievement in one’s abilities and dedication to working hard towards that goal. That’s because they are easily the biggest stage in the professional wrestling industry. It’s provided us memorable legends that became pop culture icons in their respective eras.

Hulk Hogan’s Hulkamania ran wild from the WWE ring to the silver screen in the 1980s. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was one of the best in the WWE before getting noticed by producers and directors in Hollywood. John Cena is the most recent example of a professional wrestler achieving unthinkable goals with the help of WWE.

But for every superstar with the accomplishments of Cena, there are about 10 to 20 stories of heartbreak and failure. Not everyone in the WWE is going to have the success of Cena. In fact, only a few are able to make a memorable impact in the WWE. Every year, there are names of released superstars where fans either think “good riddance” or “surprised it took this long.”

Not everyone who is released  is a terrible wrestler. Some choose to leave because they feel they can succeed without being held down by WWE officials. In an evolving industry, plenty of superstars like Cody Rhodes have been able to find a great life long after leaving WWE.

Regardless of why, the following are five current WWE superstars most likely to be released in 2017.