Monday Night RAW – 11/9/09


Here’s what happened on Monday night RAW for 11/9/09 from the United Kingdom:

Video Package: Clips from last week’s main event on RAW.

The guest host for RAW, professional boxer, Ricky Hatton, comes out to the ring escorted by The Bella Twins.  He gives a little history about himself and how he’s been a World Champion.

  • He’s interrupted by JeriShow (Chris Jericho & Big Show).  Show says “he’s KO’d plenty of people so get get out of his ring!”
  • Hatton comes back with a “jab” about Show getting KO’d by Floyd Mayweather so Show issues a challenge to Hatton that he gets one free shot on him on the jaw.  Jericho breaks it up before it happens.
  • Jericho gloats that he’s on the roll of his life and that Show doesn’t need anything preventing him from competing in the match at Survivor Series, and Show’s kind of pissed about it.
  • Hatton decides to make a match.  JeriShow versus DX.
  • Jericho decides to make fun of Hatton, the crowd, and the Queen of England with his Thesaurus of slurs.  Hatton tells Jericho that he’s in his country, SPEAK ENGLISH, and that he’s just a guy with a bad hair cut!
  • DX comes to the defense of Hatton in the ring.  Triple H starts talking trash about Show and Jericho getting punked out by Shaquille O’Neal and Bob BarkerShawn Michaels knocks Jericho out of the ring, and Big Show bails.

Alicia Fox (with Jillian Hall) defeats Kelly Kelly (with Gail Kim) via pin fall after hitting the scissor kick.

Video Package:  People’s reactions while waiting in line to purchase Wrestlemania tickets in Phoenix, Arizona.

Backstage: Ricky Hatton and his son are walking through the backstage area where he runs into John Cena who’s feeling a little left out when it comes to the match between DX and JeriShow, but he’s still all smiles.

Sheamus comes out to the ring and grabs the mic.  Talks about how he ended Jamie Noble‘s career and says that he’s going to make this Englishman (his opponent) look like a fool.  Sheamus defeats an unnamed jobber via pin fall after hitting the pump kick followed by a Razor’s Edge.

Video Package: Pictures of Ricky Hatton’s new health and fitness center.

Backstage: The Bella Twins with Ricky Hatton where he tells them that he’s now promoting boxing and has a new clothing line.

  • He’s interrupted by Santino Marella who is dressed up as Ricky Hatton’s alter ego, Ricky FATton (fat suit under a boxing robe).
  • He’s interrupted by Chavo Guerrero who wants to challenge Santino.  Ricky Hatton turns it into an opportunity to have boxer versus wrestler, himself versus Chavo.

Backstage: Josh Matthews with The Miz.  The Miz reminds us about what happened at Bragging Rights, how he beat John Morrison, because he’s The Miz and he’s…

  • Interrupted by Jack Swagger, who says Miz is “in awe of Jack Swagger.”  He says that he’s going to dominate Evan Bourne tonight so much that WWE’s going to make him the new team captain at Survivor Series.

Evan Bourne defeats Jack Swagger via pin fall after hitting Air Bourne.

  • The Miz walked out to the ring during the middle of the match in attempt to distract Swagger.  After the match he says, “He’s the team captain at Survivor Series because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!”

Video Package: WWE at the NASCAR races.  Former guest host, Kyle Busch, in the Smackdown vs. Raw car, wins the race at Texas Motor Speedway!

MVP and Mark Henry welcome Kofi Kingston to the VIP Lounge.  They talk with Kofi about the issues between him and Randy Orton.  MVP and Mark Henry propose a toast to their Survivor Series captain, Kofi Kingston, saying they’re going to be straight up “Ballin’!”

  • Interrupted by Randy Orton, and Legacy.  Orton calls them low class, street thugs.  Says that he’s going to wait to destroy them at Survivor Series.
  • Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase say they’re not VIP, they’re not ballin’!  Orton says they “don’t belong in their ring.  They belong in the hood where they came from.”

Randy Orton defeats Mark Henry via pin fall after hitting the RKO.  After the match Orton tries to go after Kofi Kingston again, but Kingston has none of it, punching Orton back forcing him to bail out.

Ricky Hatton defeats Chavo Guerrero via knockout in a boxer versus wrestler challenge.

Backstage: John Cena talking to Hornswoggle about him stopping with the DX act and that he’s going to get into trouble.

  • DX comes running into the locker room looking for the leprechaun.  DX makes a bad joke about “Tweeting each other!”
  • Cena reminds them that at Survivor Series it’s every man for themselves as a distraction.
  • Hornswoggle comes out of hiding wearing John Cena merchandise and when DX leaves he takes it off to reveal the DX merchandise still on.

Video Package:  More clips from last week’s Monday Night RAW.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Next week’s guest host, Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Main Event (John Cena on commentary)
DX defeat JeriShow via pin fall after Big Show accidentally hit the KO Punch on Jericho and then Shawn Michaels took advantage of the situation.

Justin Roberts then announces he’s gotten news about next week’s main event.  It’s going to be a triple threat tag match, DX vs. JeriShow vs. John Cena and his partner, The Undertaker.


If you didn’t know Ricky Hatton was a boxer, just look at his face and you could guess what his occupation was!

The ladies match wasn’t great… I’ll leave it at that.

Sheamus defeating a jobber… big whoop.  Not naming the jobber = NOT COOL!  It’s his one chance to be on TV with WWE and you don’t even give his name… BOOOOOOO!

Santino in a fat suit… Not comedic gold as in previous weeks, just plain dumb.

Jack Swagger’s prediction comes to an end.  He said that he was going to go undefeated for the rest of 2009, well thanks to a distraction by The Miz, Evan Bourne plays the spoiler!  The “Cheshire Cat” loses his smile!

WWE, please no more guest hosts in matches!  I beg you!  This “match” was just a disgrace!  More so than the women’s matches have been in the past few weeks.

Main event wasn’t bad, but to me wasn’t all that exciting either.  Looking forward to next week’s main event and guest host though!