WWE Survivor Series – Preview/Predictions


The annual Fall classic returns, and I’m not talking about the World Series.  WWE Survivor Series, the Thanksgiving holiday classic PPV returns with some great main events as well as three traditional Survivor Series elimination match ups.  Here’s the rundown of tonight’s card:

Team Morrison (John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin & Finlay) vs. Team Miz (The Miz, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, & Dolph Ziggler)
Should:  Team Morrison Will:  Team Morrison

This is the match up that’s going to be in high gear from start to finish.  You have some of the biggest young stars in the WWE all in the ring together.  I think that the one factor in this match up that could cause the outcome will be the rivalry between The Miz and Jack Swagger.  They, even though they’re on the same team, have been getting on each others nerves now for the past month and I think that it will be the down fall of their team.

Rey Mysterio vs. Batista
Should:  Batista Will:  Batista

Did anyone ever consider that this might be Rey Mysterio’s unofficial/official retirement match up?  I think that Batista is going to destroy Rey tonight so badly that in the coming weeks that Rey could have to announce his retirement from pro wrestling.  When you look at it in perspective, most guys want to go out on top, but I think Rey is one of those guys who wants to do what’s best for the business, and right now, that’s pushing Batista to the World Heavyweight Title picture again and step away gracefully.

Team Mickie (Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Melina & Gail Kim) vs. Team Michelle (Michelle McCool, Layla, Beth Phoenix, Alicia Fox & Jillian Hall)
Should:  Team Mickie Will:  Team Michelle

Mickie James is the best wrestler in the women’s division that WWE has!  I don’t get why they’re starting to get on her about her weight, and I think that when it comes down to this match, they’re going to punish her again.  There’s two ways this match might go down.  Mickie will be eliminated early, probably before Kelly Kelly and Eve, which is sad or I see that Team Michelle goes up 5-1 with Mickie being the only one left on her team and she slowly gets it down to one on one, but loses the match up.

World Heavyweight Title Match
The Undertaker (champion) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Big Show
Should:  Jericho Will:  The Undertaker

When it comes down to it, Jericho speaks the truth.  He’s the best in the world at what he does!  He should be wearing the World Title, but I believe that WWE has other plans in mind, like a showdown at Wrestlemania between Taker and Batista!  I think that JeriShow could have their official falling out tonight at Survivor Series and in subsequent weeks will further their hatred for each other causing them to eventually lose their Unified Tag Titles.

Team Kingston (Kofi Kingston, Christian, MVP, Mark Henry & R-Truth) vs. Team Orton (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, William Regal & CM Punk)
Should:  Team Kingston Will:  Team Kingston

Part of me thinks that this match up will end up with Kingston stuck against Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase at the end, and I have this feeling like he’s going to survive which will further the rivalry between Kingston and Orton.  Really, when it comes down to it, all the other players in this match up really mean nothing towards the outcome.

WWE Title Match
John Cena (champion) vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels
Should:  John Cena Will: John Cena

When you look at this match up, you see two great wrestlers in WWE history.  HBK who’s known for putting guys over, and Triple H, who’s know for squashing guys.  I’m guessing that Triple H will not do the deed tonight to put over Cena, so expect Cena to get the pin fall off of Shawn Michaels in this one.  Cena is WWE’s present and the face of the franchise so to speak.  I don’t think that they take the belt off of him, at least not now.

Check back here tomorrow morning for results and my reactions to all of the match outcomes!