2009 Ends A Bit RAW


The last Monday Night RAW of 2009 was just that, raw… as in rough or the same as we’ve seen over the past year plus!  Here’s what happened:

Chris Jericho is outside protesting and trying to get some people to sign his petition to bring him back to RAW.

John Cena comes to the ring and sets up a table.  He sits on the turnbuckle and recounts how Sheamus beat him for the WWE Title.  Challenges Sheamus to a Table’s Match tonight as their rematch.

  • Sheamus comes out and says, “RAW belongs to me!  NO, it will NOT be a table’s match!”
  • Cena jumps off turnbuckle and hits the Attitude Adjustment on Sheamus through the table set up in ring.

Backstage: RAW Guest Host, recording artist Timbaland, is with some of the divas when he’s approached by Josh Matthews who asks him if he’s going to keep the main event tonight now that Cena’s attacked Sheamus.

  • Timbaland poses the question to the crowd and says the match will still happen!

Backstage: Legacy walking back into the locker room where Randy Orton is sitting looking pissed.  Orton says, “I think it’s time to break up Legacy boys…”

  • Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase argue with him that over the course of the last year, they’ve saved his butt multiple times and he should be thanking them!
  • Orton throws out a challenge to them, “Win your singles matches tonight and things will stay as is.  Lose and not only will you be kicked out of Legacy, but I will beat the hell out of you myself!”

Ted DiBiase vs. Evan Bourne
WINNER: Ted DiBiase via pin fall after hitting Dream Street

Cody Rhodes vs. Mark Henry
WINNER: Cody Rhodes via pin fall after kicking Henry’s injured knee (caused during match) and hitting a DDT

  • Orton, who was sitting ringside, looked very pleased.

Backstage: Gail Kim is blocking Jillian Hall from getting into Timbaland’s office.

  • All the while, DX & Hornswoggle are goofing around.  Triple H is duct taping him to a skateboard.  Shawn Michaels is worried about the Bret Hart rumors that are floating around and Trips says to not worry about it.
  • Timbaland hears Jillian and walks out to see who’s making the noise and Trips launches Hornswoggle towards them knocking over Jillian.  Hornswoggle gets a high five from Timbaland!

Kelly Kelly vs. Maryse
WINNER: Maryse via pin fall after hitting a DDT.

  • After match, she calls out the Diva’s Champion, Melina, and says something to her in French.

Outside: Jericho is still protesting even though no one is around.  Big Show walks up and says, “It’s over, let it go!  Long distance relationships don’t work out anyways!”

  • Jericho asks, “Is there someone else?”  (like Big Show would be cheating on him)
  • Show hands him an envelope and walks away.  Jericho looks in it, and cackles to himself.

Vince McMahon comes to the ring to address the Bret Hart rumors.

  • Video Package:  History of Bret Hart, including the Montreal Screw Job.
  • Vince says, “I’ve been the bigger man.  I invited him to be in the Hall of Fame, and he didn’t shake my hand and still had contempt for me!”  “Bret will NEVER host RAW!”
  • Shawn Michaels’ music hits.  HBK walks to ring to say, “Sometimes there are rivalries that are so big you cannot deny the people because it’s not convenient for you!”
  • Vince thinks that this is about Bret, but Shawn cuts him off… “At WrestleMania. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, The Rematch!  Make it happen!”
  • Vince denies him the match and tells him, “If you want it, you ‘make it happen’!”
  • HBK then turns the topic to Bret Hart.  Says, “Maybe you bring some closure… bring Bret back to WWE!  If you do, only ‘good things’ are going to happen!”
  • Vince looks at him, and says, “The new year starts off with RAW guest host, Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart!”

Backstage: Josh Matthews with John Cena.  Sheamus jumps Cena mid sentence!

Backstage: MVP is with Timbaland playing some beat maker PSP game when Kofi Kingston walks in to thank him for his match against The Miz tonight.

  • MVP says, if you eventually win the US Title from Miz, he wants the first shot at Kofi.
  • The Miz walks in saying, “This time next year, I will still be US Champion!”
  • Timbaland then changes the match up tonight to where if Kofi wins, he gets the US Title shot immediately!

The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston
WINNER: Kofi Kingston via pin fall after hitting Trouble in Paradise

US Title Match
The Miz (Champion) vs. Kofi Kingston
WINNER: Kofi Kingston via DQ after Randy Orton interrupted the pin fall.  He then hit an RKO on Kingston on the floor.

Josh Matthews catches up with Orton who says, “Next week, Kofi and I finish this!”

DX vs. Big Show & Chavo Guerrero
WINNERS: DX via pin fall on Chavo after Triple H hit a Pedigree.

  • Before the match begins, Jericho walks to ring side, but as a fan.  There was a ticket in the envelope.
  • After the match, Jericho jumps the rail and throws a hissy fit.  Jumps up on the apron to get hit by Sweet Chin Music!
  • DX gives JeriShow their rematch next week, but if JeriShow loses, Jericho goes back to Smackdown, no questions or protests!

Timbaland comes to the ring with The Bella Twins and announces the competitors for the main event.

WWE Title Match
Sheamus (Champion) vs. John Cena
WINNER: John Cena via DQ.  Sheamus was caught in Cena’s Attitude Adjustment, but grabbed a hold of the referee and threw him down trying to escape from Cena.  Title cannot change hands on DQ, Sheamus retains.

  • After match, Cena grabs Sheamus and throws him back in the ring, but Sheamus hit’s two pump kicks on him and stands tall!


WWE teases a Legacy break up… crap!  Just do it already!  I want to see Ted DiBiase turn on Orton!

Jericho is protesting not being on RAW… well he was screwed over!  It’s a valid argument… I’ve seen worse protests!  The sequence with him and Show was funny.  It was like a teenage couple breaking up!  I was just waiting for a “it’s not you it’s me!”

Sheamus cheats to retain the title.  Cena’s attempt to get the WWE Title back is thwarted!  I’m happy!  While I respect what Cena brings to the business, I just don’t want to see the belt back on him any time soon!

Next week’s card for January 4th is looking like a PPV like card… wait a second… it kind of is.  DX vs. JeriShow and Kingston vs. Orton.  We saw those matches on the last PPV, TLC!  Will there be a third repeat match as in Cena vs. Sheamus?