Mike Tyson..."/> Mike Tyson..."/>

Monday Night RAW – 1/11/10


This week Monday Night RAW was hosted by “The baddest man on the planet,” former boxing World Champion, “Iron” Mike Tyson.  Here’s what went down:

Mike Tyson walks down to the ring and shows clips from the last time he was in the WWE in 1998.  (Stone Cold Steve Austin flipped him the double bird, and then at Wrestlemania 14 he KO’d Shawn Michaels).

  • He’s interrupted by Sheamus who says to Tyson, “You’re nothin’ but a washed up ex-champion… I’m WWE Champion, that makes me the baddest man on the planet!”  Tyson and Sheamus go nose to nose and Tyson makes Sheamus flinch.
  • Randy Orton comes out to ring.  Looks directly at Tyson and says, “I think you should make me the #1 contender for the WWE Title soon…”
  • Interrupted by John Cena.  Cena says, “I’m here for the WWE Championship… (To Sheamus) the last time we fought, you lost!”
  • Yet another interruption, this time by Kofi Kingston.  Orton cuts him off and says, “You lost to me last week.  You shouldn’t be out here!”  Kingston replies, “You two have had countless chances.  I want a chance at the WWE Title and I won’t take no for an answer!”
  • Sheamus laughs things off and turns to Tyson, “I want the Royal Rumble off.  Let them decide their fate at the Rumble.”
  • Tyson decides to make a Triple Threat match tonight to decide who the #1 contender for Sheamus’ title really is.

1st Round Diva’s Championship Tournament Match
Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox
WINNER: Alicia Fox via pin fall after countering a Hurricanrana into a Power Bomb

Video Package: John Cena is the Grand Marshal at the Tostido’s Fiesta Bowl.

Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase come to the ring and talk about the Royal Rumble.  DiBiase says this year it’s going to be his time and starts dogging on Rhodes who looks pissed.

Legacy vs. Mark Henry & Evan Bourne
WINNERS: Legacy via pin fall after Rhodes hit Cross Rhodes on Bourne

Backstage: DX is talking.  Shawn Michaels wants to make peace with Mike Tyson the same way he made peace last week with Bret HartTriple H thinks he’s dumb because of the fact that Tyson is crazy.

Backstage: Shawn Michaels is talking with Mike Tyson and says that he forgives Tyson for knocking him out at Wrestlemania 14.  Tyson says he doesn’t want forgiveness and he would love to do it again.

  • In walks Chris Jericho who tells HBK that he and Tyson struck a little deal.  If DX loses their match tonight, then he gets a free pass to go on any show he wants.  The match is DX vs. Jericho and Tyson.

Video Package: A look back at what happened last Monday between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon, and how what we thought was going to be a truce turned into more drama as Mr. McMahon kicked Bret in the crotch.

Jack Swagger comes out to issue an All-American American American Challenge saying that no one can throw him out of the ring, so he’s going to dominate the Royal Rumble.

  • Santino Marella walks out and accepts his challenge.
  • Santino starts to get dumped out of the ring by Swagger and holds on to top rope.  Swaggers momentum carries him over to the foor.  Santino stands victorious and a little shocked!

#1 Contenders Match for the WWE Title
John Cena vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Randy Orton via pin fall after hitting the RKO

  • Mid match, Rhodes & DiBiase came in and attacked Orton’s opponents while the ref’s back was turned giving him the opportunity to get the upper hand.

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with Mike Tyson talking about tonight’s match when Hornswoggle walks in the room and crotch chops in the direction of Tyson.  Tyson turns to him and says, “I’m going to play jump rope with your intestines if you get involved in my match later!”  Hornswoggle looks scared shitless!

Backstage: The Miz is standing in front of the locker room door with microphone in hand.  He says, “No one in the WWE took me seriously or respected me!”  He then tells a story of how poorly he was treated when he first started with the company as he walks towards the ring.  He then turns the topic to MVP (#1 contender for Miz’s US Title).  Miz says, “MVP doesn’t deserve to be in the same ring as me.  I think he should still be in jail!  I’m the reason you watch RAW not MVP!”

  • MVP comes out to the ring.  “I don’t duck my past!  I talk about it so that people can learn from it.  I’ve worked hard to earn respect from the guys in the back.  In this circus we call the WWE, I’m a bengal tiger and you’re a monkey flinging poo!”  MVP then dares Miz to take a shot.  Miz tries but fails.

Video Package: A look back at last year’s Hall of Fame ceremony.

1st Round Diva’s Championship Tournament
Eve Torres vs. Katie Lea Burchill (Maryse on commentary)
WINNER: Eve Torres via roll up pin fall stealing the match from Katie Lea

Mr. McMahon comes out to the ring and addresses what happened last week with Bret Hart saying, “I don’t forgive and forget… Bret will NEVER be seen in the WWE again!”

DX vs. Chris Jericho & Mike Tyson
WINNER: DX via pin fall

  • Before match, Shawn Michaels reissues his challenge to The Undertaker for a Wrestlemania rematch.
  • Mid match, Hornswoggle comes out in boxing gear and looks like he wants to challenge Tyson.  Jericho jumps in to attack Hornswoggle and DX backs him up.  All the while, Tyson takes off his plain black shirt to reveal a DX shirt.  Jericho turns around, sees the shirt, then Tyson punches his lights out!
  • Tyson, his son, and DX celebrate mid ring.


Opening sequence was a little long, but it had it’s funny moments as Cena at one point said that he “defeated everyone in the ring including Tyson.”  Then talks about how he had to spend about “2 years of his childhood beating Glass Joe, King Hippo, Piston Honda (twice), and Super Macho Man just to have to spend another 2 years of his childhood trying to beat Mike Tyson, but he did it!”  If you’re reading this going “HUH?” he’s referring to a video game on the Nintendo Entertainment System called Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!  Great game!  Find an emulator or buy/download it on your Wii from the online store!

Swagger and Santino’s exchange was a pointless waste of time.  If Swagger actually wins the Rumble I’ll be shocked!

#1 contenders match was decent until Randy Orton won because of outside interference.  I’m so sick of seeing that guy win via run ins.  Orton’s a good wrestler.  I don’t understand why they can’t have him win clean once in awhile for a title/title shot.

Hey WWE writers, good analogy comparing the Miz to a poo flinging monkey! (sarcasm)  Ummm… I hate to say it, but he’s not just entertaining as hell, he’s your US Champion!  Why do you dog him like that?

WWE needs to showcase Katie Lea Burchill a little bit more.  There was a spot in her match where she caught Eve from a cross body and then turned it into a swinging back breaker.  That was one of the coolest moves I’ve EVER seen a Diva pull off!

Main event sucked ass!  Like I said before, I don’t like it when people who aren’t wrestlers get into the ring.  The match up was a farce to set up the Jericho double cross.  WHOOPIE!!! (sarcasm)