Monday Night RAW – 1/25/10


Did you miss RAW last night?  Well then you missed one of the guys from the USA hit show, Psych, as the guest host.  Here’s what happened:

Non-Title Match
DX (Triple H & Shawn Michaels) vs. Legacy (Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase)
WINNERS: DX via pin fall after HBK hit Sweet Chin Music on DiBiase

  • Before the match, Shawn and Hunter had words about last weeks situation and Trips tells Shawn, “I know how much that shot against The Undertaker means to you, but I want the title shot and if I have to step on your dreams to get to mine, then that’s what I’m going to do!”

Video Clip: John Cena is going to be on Psych this week.

MVP comes to the ring, “The Miz is the US Champion, but the problem is, I’m the #1 contender… you can keep running your mouth, but you cannot keep running from me!

  • Miz comes out and disrespects MVP bringing up his past time in prison, yet the fans love MVP and hate him!
  • MVP says people hate Miz because he’s a jackass!  Then makes jokes that Miz would be someone’s bitch if he ended up in prison in kid friendly terms because WWE is TV-PG.

MVP vs. Big Show
WINNER: Big Show via pin fall after hitting a choke slam in a relative squash match

Backstage: Legacy in their locker room and Cody apologizes for questioning Teddy’s loyalty last week.

  • Randy Orton walks into the room and he’s pissed they not only lost to DX, but that last week they didn’t come out to help him when Sheamus jumped him.  If it comes down to it, he’ll win the WWE Title with or without their help.

Backstage: John Cena is with RAW guest host, Dule Hill from Psych.  They announce that Hill’s co-star James Roday, who was supposed to be there, had to have an emergency appendectomy.  Cena leaves.

  • Miz walks in and says, “I cannot believe you would hire John Cena over me to be on Psych…”
  • Hill says, “you’re going to be in a match tonight with an opponent of my choosing.”

Semi-final Match – Diva’s Tournament
Maryse vs. Eve Torres
WINNER: Maryse via pin fall after hitting the French Kiss DDT

  • Dule Hill scared the shit out of everyone in the arena when he hit a pyro button during Maryse’s prematch French rant.

Vince McMahon comes to the ring, “There isn’t a good reason why I should bring back Bret Hart…” (Fans change we want Bret!)  McMahon replies to them saying once again, “Bret will NEVER appear in the WWE again!”

  • McMahon even goes into the crowd to talk to some fans, asking for a good reason why he should bring Bret back.
  • John Cena comes out and says, “I’m not here to change your mind.  Up until a few months ago I never had a problem with you… You had a lot of people help you over the years to make your empire… You know why people don’t respect you as a man, because after all you’ve done, all you care about is lining your pockets and serving your own ego!  You’re NOT a coward, you’re pathetic!  Bret deserves a chance to confront you face to face.”
  • Cena begins to walk away, and McMahon in a fit of anger stops him and invites Bret back next week for RAW.  Then makes a match for Cena tonight against Sheamus.

The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston
WINNER: Kofi Kingston via pin fall after hitting Trouble in Paradise

  • MVP’s music hit distracting Miz for a split second allowing Kofi to get the upper hand and the win.

Backstage: Dule Hill and Carlito are entering the production truck.  Dule has the producer put Carlito’s name/photo in the NEXT MATCH graphic.  Then, he has this thought that he should randomly press a button to pick his opponent.  It just so happens that he chose, Kelly Kelly. Carlito’s slightly excited for his match now.

  • Carlito goes to the ring.  Kelly Kelly comes down the aisle, and Santino Marella‘s music plays.  He says he’s “going to take Kelly’s place, defeat Carlito and then go on to shock the world and win the Royal Rumble.”
  • While Santino is heading to the ring, he’s jumped by Jack Swagger who beats his ass!
  • No match ever takes place!

Backstage: Cena and Hill promote the Psych episode on Wednesday again, and this time they called their co-star in the hospital James Roday.

  • Alicia Fox enters the room and is looking for the psychic… as Roday on the phone answers, Hill hangs up on him to pretend he’s the psychic.  Alicia asks how she’ll fare in the match tonight, and he says, “I see a Fox victorious in a ring tonight!”
  • She replies, “You better be right or else…” and walks away.
  • Cena tells him, “I hope your right, otherwise she’s going to get Mark Henry to remove your appendix the hard way.”

Semi-Final Match – Diva’s Tournament
Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim
WINNER: Gail Kim via pin fall after hitting a flying armbar/boot to the face.

  • After the match, Alicia confronted Dule Hill who was sitting ringside and slapped him upside the head.

Non-Title Match
John Cena vs. Sheamus
WINNER: No Contest after Randy Orton came in and hit an RKO on Sheamus.  After his attack, he turned his attention to Cena who reversed a suspended DDT into an Attitude Adjustment.  Cena stands tall.


It’s a bummer that both of the Psych guys couldn’t have been there.  My friend raves about how funny that show is, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the goofy antics of the two guys.  Oh well, at least Dule Hill didn’t step into the ring, LOL!  I hope that James Roday gets better soon from his appendectomy.

All the matches tonight were just very blah for me.  The only one that really had some sort of drama to it was the opening tag team contest.  I think that WWE’s planting the seeds for the self-destruction of DX.  We’ll see what happens to them at the Royal Rumble.

I would’ve loved to seen how Carlito vs. Kelly Kelly would’ve played out if they actually started the match up.  Would be funny to see Kelly score a win over him, and you know the WWE would do it too since Carlito hasn’t really done jack shit as of late!