A Royal Return


The Royal Rumble PPV was packed full of action and some big surprises, one being a big return of a certain superstar. Here’s what happened on last night’s Royal Rumble:

ECW Championship Match
Christian (Champion) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

SHOULD: Christian WILL: Christian

  • WINNER: Christian via pin fall after hitting the Kill Switch
  • Mid match, William Regal, who was in Zeke’s corner, got thrown out for putting his hands on Christian when he was out side the ring.

Backstage: Teddy Long & Tiffany are talking when they’re approached by Cryme Tyme who are upset at the fact that only one of them can get a spot in the Rumble, but they’ve coerced someone to giving up their spot…

  • The Great Khali & Ranjin Singh walk in the room.  Cryme Tyme offer a kiss from Tiffany in return for his spot in the Rumble.  Singh speaks on behalf of Khali, “No dice home slice!”
  • Teddy Long then makes a comment about Cryme Tyme’s appearance and starts singing the “Pants on the Ground” song from American Idol.
  • The Miz walks in, “No one will remember what YOU did (to Cryme Tyme)m but they’ll remember me winning the Rumble.  Teddy Long decides to make a US Title match for tonight!

Backstage: Randy Orton is approached by Cody Rhodes who blows a lot of smoke up his ass about having his back tonight, then procedes to tell Randy that Ted DiBiase has been talking behind his back about how he’s going to win the Rumble and then challenge him at WrestleMania.

United States Title
The Miz (Champion) vs. MVP
WINNER: The Miz via roll up pin fall.

  • After the match, Miz talks shit to MVP who takes exception and kicks him in the gut, then hits the Playmaker.

Backstage: Big Show & Chris Jericho are talking and Show thinks that Jericho is jealous because Miz and him have better chemistry than they ever did.  Jericho replies, “I know if it came down to me, you and Miz, I’d know where your loyalties lie.

  • Show tells him straight to his face, “I’d throw you both out.”  From the background, R-Truth interrupts saying, “if he doesn’t, I will!”

Backstage: Ted DiBiase approaches Randy Orton in the back and says, “I’m with you.”  Then says that Cody Rhodes had been talking behind his back that he was going to win the Rumble and use it to challenge Sheamus at Wrestlemania.

  • Orton tells him, “I’m going to go to the ring, and I’m going to win this without you both.”

Women’s Championship Match
Michelle McCool (Champion) vs. Mickie James

SHOULD: Mickie James WILL: Mickie James

  • WINNER: Mickie James via pin fall after hitting the Jumping DDT to become the NEW Women’s Champion (in approx. 10 seconds)
  • Before the match, Michelle McCool teased some more about Mickie not being there and Layla came out in the fat suit again.
  • After the match, the baby faced divas brought out a cake and Mickie hit Michelle & Layla with it.

WWE Championship Match
Sheamus (Champion) vs. Randy Orton

SHOULD: Randy Orton WILL: Sheamus

  • WINNER: Sheamus via DQ after Cody Rhodes interfered in the match up and got caught by the referee.  Sheamus retains the WWE Title.
  • After the match, Randy started attacking Cody.  Ted DiBiase came to break it up and Randy then assaulted both guys saying, “we’re through.”  He turned around and got Pump Kicked by Sheamus.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Undertaker (Champion) vs. Rey Mysterio

SHOULD: Undertaker WILL: Undertaker

  • WINNER: The Undertaker via pin fall after countering the West Coast Pop into The Last Ride to retain the World Heavyweight Title.

Backstage: Shawn Michaels is approached by Kane who says, “your obsession with my brother is unhealthy… whatever is driving you, at the end, there is no light!”  Kane leaves.

  • Triple H walks in, and they hash things out from the drama that happened over the past week.  HBK tells Trips, “Me and Taker, it was meant to be…”

Royal Rumble Match

Here goes the order of entry in the Royal Rumble match:

  1. Dolph Ziggler
  2. Evan Bourne
  3. CM Punk
  4. JTG
  5. The Great Khali
  6. Beth Phoenix
  7. Zack Ryder
  8. Triple H
  9. Drew McIntyre
  10. Ted DiBiase
  11. John Morrison
  12. Kane
  13. Cody Rhodes
  14. MVP
  15. Carlito
  16. The Miz
  17. Matt Hardy
  18. Shawn Michaels
  19. John Cena
  20. Shelton Benjamin
  21. Yoshi Tatsu
  22. Big Show
  23. Mark Henry
  24. Chris Masters
  25. R-Truth
  26. Jack Swagger
  27. Kofi Kingston
  28. Chris Jericho
  30. Batista

Order of elimination and who they were eliminated by:

  1. Evan Bourne (CM Punk)
  2. Dolph Ziggler (CM Punk)
  3. JTG (CM Punk)
  4. The Great Khali (Beth Phoenix)
  5. Beth Phoenix (CM Punk)
  6. Zack Ryder (CM Punk)
  7. CM Punk (Triple H)
  8. The Miz (MVP)
  9. MVP (The Miz)
  10. Matt Hardy (Kane)
  11. Kane (Triple H)
  12. Carlito (Shawn Michaels)
  13. Cody Rhodes (Shawn Michaels)
  14. Ted DiBiase (Shawn Michaels)
  15. John Morrison (Shawn Michaels)
  16. Drew McIntyre (DX)
  17. Triple H (Shawn Michaels)
  18. Shelton Benjamin (John Cena)
  19. Yoshi Tatsu (John Cena)
  20. Chris Masters ( Big Show)
  21. Mark Henry (R-Truth)
  22. Big Show (R-Truth)
  23. Jack Swagger (Kofi Kingston)
  24. R-Truth (Kofi Kingston)
  25. Kofi Kingston (John Cena)
  26. Chris Jericho (Edge)
  27. Shawn Michaels (Batista)
  28. Batista (John Cena)
  29. John Cena (Edge)



I never really imagined that Edge would come back and win the Royal Rumble, but I’m not hating it.  It gives him an opportunity to go for the World Title (or even go to RAW for the WWE Title), and it also give him an opportunity to feud with Chris Jericho since they addressed the rivalry by Edge eliminated him.  Shocked it wasn’t really one of the major story lines they were pushing over the last month, but when it comes down to it, I’m not going to complain… at least it wasn’t Cena or Trips.

Overall, I think the Rumble was booked fairly well.  The opening sequence with Punk eliminating people and then grabbing the mic to speak about his Straightedge Society was a great touch!  The middle was a little boring, but then picked back up again near the end when it got down to some of the big names.  When HBK got eliminated and jumped back in the ring, I was excited to see who he was going to attack, but instead he Superkicked the referee who got in his way.  That was classic!

When the US Title match was announced by Teddy Long, I figured that the Miz was going to win.  You could ask everyone in the room, I called that!  Every match on the card, minus the Rumble match, I got right.  Now either that’s a really big accomplishment for me, or really poor booking on WWE Creative’s part, make your own decision on that.

Overall, I got to give it an above average rating, but then again, I’m biased, the Royal Rumble is my favorite PPV.  Looking forward to the upcoming week in WWE to see the fallout from last night.