Ring of Honor on HDNet – 2/15/10


I spent the President’s Day holiday kicking back and watching the Olympics, but I’m taking the time out of my “busy” schedule to watch ROH…  LOL!  Ring of Honor is the best WRESTLING promotion out there.  Why would I miss it?!?!  I wouldn’t because I have HDNet.  For those of you who cannot watch ROH, here’s what went down on tonight’s program:

Video Package: Erick Stevens‘ transformation from a fan favorite to a hated member of The Embassy, and his newly established rivalry with Necro Butcher.

Mike Hogwood & Dave Prazak fill us in that Tyler Black defeated Austin Aries over the weekend to become the NEW Ring of Honor Champion!

Joey Ryan & Erick Stevens with Prince Nana & Ernie Osiris (aka Ernesto Osiris) vs.  Eddie Kingston & Necro Butcher
WINNER:  Kingston & Necro via count out when Prince Nana had his guys take a walk

Backstage: Kyle Durdan is with Kevin Steen & Steve Corino.  “I don’t want to hear about him (El Generico) ever again… do you know what it feels like when the thing you’ve dedicated your entire life to just isn’t for you anymore?  I know what that feels like!  At Final Battle, I had a moment of clarity… everything is clearer than ever!”

Rasche Brown vs. Christian Marino
WINNER: Rasche Brown via pin fall after hitting the Burning Hammer

  • Shane Hagadorn came out to scout the match up.

Video Package:  Look back at last week’s main event between Young Bucks & American Wolves to become the #1 contenders for the Briscoe Bros. ROH Tag Team Titles.  The match was won by the Young Bucks.  Next week we’ll see the match only on HDNet.

Backstage: The Kings of Wrestling are talking about their favorite wrestlers in the business, themselves!

Backstage: Jim Cornette read some emails from fans.  One says, “why won’t some of these old (BLEEPS) get out of the way!”  He comments on the young talent in ROH and how they’re going to explode into the 21st century.  Announces some dates for live events.

Up In Smoke (Cheech & Cloudy) vs. Sonjay Dutt & Andy Ridge
WINNERS: Up In Smoke via pin fall after a crazy double team move on Andy Ridge

  • After the match, Sonjay beats the crap out of Andy Ridge, putting him in the Camel Clutch.

Video Package: The Briscoes talk about their status as possibly the greatest tag team in Ring of Honor history!

Main Event
Pick Six Contender Series Match
Kevin Steen vs. Delirious with Daizee Haze
WINNER: Kevin Steen via submission after locking on a Crossface

  • Mid way through match, Steve Corino came out to the ring and cause enough of a distraction to allow Steen to gain an advantage on Delirious.


Oh gawd… Necro and Kingston as a tag team… BARF!!!  Necro isn’t really a wrestler (more a brawler), and Kingston just gets on my nerves.  I think it’s safe to say that I wasn’t completely enthralled with the match.  There wasn’t really anything scientific to it for the opening few moments because it was all on the floor.  Once it got into the ring it was a little better.  Then it went all chaotic again and when a chair came into play, Prince Nana pulled his troops out.

I think tonight was the first time I’ve ever seen Cheech & Cloudy win a match up… good for them.  That finisher was wild.  Cloudy stood on Cheech’s shoulders and he like flip bombed him onto Andy Ridge.

Main event was pretty one sided throughout the duration.  Steen dominated Delirious and focused on his arm.  After Delirious started to get some momentum, Steen countered Shadows over Hell right into a Crossface!  ROH is putting Steen over hardcore, and I really don’t mind it.  Still waiting to see when things are going to boil over with Generico.