Elimination Chamber – Preview & Predictions


We are halfway down the Road to WrestleMania, and we’re taking a pit stop at a PPV named after the demonic structure known as the Elimination Chamber.  Six men will enter.  One champion versus five challengers.  All competitors lives will be changed forever, win or lose.  Here’s a run down of tonight’s card:

Intercontinental Championship Match

Drew McIntyre (Champion) vs. Kane
SHOULD: McIntyre WILL: McIntyre

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, let me fill you in on Drew McIntyre.  He’s Vince McMahon‘s “golden boy.”  He was hand selected by the chairman to be a future World Champion, and he hasn’t disappointed yet.  He’s NEVER lost a singles match and quickly became the Intercontinental Champion after defeating John Morrison.  Tonight, he takes on “The Big Red Monster” Kane and recently there has been bad blood between the two men.  Kane looks to dominate this match from the opening bell, but McIntyre is a crafty and remorseless competitor.  He will NOT let Kane win his title without trying a few tricks.  If I had to pick a winner, I’d have to go with the cunning McIntyre because he’s the champion and he can get himself DQ’d or counted out and NOT lose the title.

Diva’s Championship Match

Maryse vs. Gail Kim
SHOULD: Maryse WILL: Maryse

A few months back, former Champion Melina was put on the shelf with an injury, so the WWE decided to have a tournament to name the next Diva’s Champion.  This match up is the finals of that tournament.  The experience edge goes to Gail, but in sheer determination, Maryse has the edge.  The blonde bombshell is willing to do anything and everything to get “her” title back.  Over the course of the last few weeks, Maryse has even resorted to “playing nice” when it comes to Gail, which I think is to pull Gail into a false sense of security that Maryse will not use any underhanded tactics.  I believe that Maryse will win this match up with some shenanigans along the way.

World Heavyweight Title – Elimination Chamber Match

The Undertaker (Champion) vs. John Morrison vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth
SHOULD: CM Punk  WILL: Chris Jericho

In this match up, we have five qualifiers and “The Dead Man!”  When it comes down to it, this match could be the most action packed of the night because all of the challengers can fly around the ring.  Over the course of the past few weeks, John Morrison has injured his ankle and almost may be rendered useless in this match early.  Mysterio is going to be the fan favorite like always because he’s the underdog, but I don’t know if he’s going to be able to withstand the chamber’s wrath.  Another dark horse in this match up is R-Truth.  This is his first real chance at a major title, and if he would happen to win, it would boggle my mind.  That leaves us the three leading candidates to win this match up, Taker, Punk and Jericho.  I just have this feeling that Taker will be either eliminated early, or will be the last one to enter the match.  He’s just not in great physical shape and I think that WWE’s just trying to prolong things so that he can make it to WrestleMania.  I don’t think he’s going to walk away with the title… Maybe some Shawn Michaels shenanigans to cause him to be eliminated???  That leaves two choices.  Personally, I like what CM Punk has done over the course of the past 6 months creating his Straightedge Society, but when it comes to built in story line, I have to say that Jericho is going to be the one to hoist the World Title high at matches end.  With the “Rated R Superstar” Edge waiting in the wings coming off his Royal Rumble victory, Jericho is almost a no-brainer to win this chamber match.

WWE Title – Elimination Chamber Match

Sheamus (Champion) vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. Ted DiBiase
SHOULD: Kofi Kingston WILL: Triple H

Sheamus is the most ridiculous champion in recent memory.  It’s really hard to take him seriously when he has that accent and you can’t even look at him because he’s so blindly white.  In all seriousness, I would hope that they wouldn’t have him win and go on to WrerstleMania.  When you look at the field going against him, Sheamus winning is a total long shot.  The obvious competitors to cancel out of the match up, aside from Sheamus, would be Orton and DiBiase.  I have this feeling that DiBiase is going to eliminate Orton from the match, blowing the Legacy stable sky high!  I don’t think it’s the right time for DiBiase to win the belt though, so I think he also will be eliminated.  That leaves us with Cena, Kingston, and Trips.  What I would like to see is Kofi Kingston winning the belt,  but I seriously doubt that’s going to happen because I don’t think WWE trusts him enough to give him a main event match at WrestleMania.  That narrows it down to the “King of Kings” and “Superman.”  When it comes down to it, I hope and pray that they do NOT give the belt to Cena again.  He’s played out right now, and I think this is where Batista comes into play.  He’s not on the card at all, and I think that maybe he’ll attack Cena before he even steps foot in the chamber.  So when it comes down to it, that leave Triple H winning the Elimination Chamber for (I believe) the fifth time.  This puts him in a spot to allow Sheamus’ rematch at WrestleMania.

One thing I have to put out there because I’ve noticed it and I’ve been waiting till this preview to say it… Take a look at the Elimination Chamber logo above.  Doesn’t it look like the Amp Energy Drink Logo was stolen to make this one?  I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but the word Chamber looks like the same font… I wonder if McMahon had to pay to use that font or if he’s going to get sued in the near future for using something that was trademarked to Mt. Dew..?  Well that’s neither here nor there.  I’ll see you back here tomorrow for the recap!  Enjoy the show tonight!