Monday Night RAW – 3/15/10


Last night on RAW, one of the greatest superstars in wrestling history came back to be the special guest host, and not so shockingly he continued in his ways by raising some hell!  Here’s what went down yesterday night:

Guest host and WWE Hall of Famer, Stone Cold Steve Austin came down to the ring to speak to the fans.  “Being back in this ring makes me want to open a can of whoop ass!”  A minute into the promo, he calls for two beers because he’s thirsty.  “With WrestleMania being two weeks away, I’ve had some classic matches… everyone shows up for business!  Bret Hart is one of the best I’ve ever been in the ring with.”  Austin then talks a little bit about Vince McMahon and his style when it comes to being in the ring.  The Rattlesnake then announces that he will oversee the contract signing for their match at WrestleMania, which will be tonight!

  • John Cena‘s music hits and he comes to the ring.  While Cena is pandering to the crowd, Austin looks like he’s going to Stun him, but fakes him out giving him the “You can’t see me” gesture.  Cena laughs.
  • Austin leaves the ring, and Big Show‘s music hits.  They approach each other with a glare.  Austin then turns, smiles, and waves at Big Show.  (Very random moment)

WrestleMania Rewind Match – WM XX
John Cena vs. Big Show
WINNER: Big Show via pin fall after hitting the KO Punch

  • Mid match, Batista came down to ring side and distracted Cena a couple of times leading to him losing focus on Show.

Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus
WINNER: No Contest

  • Sheamus looked to talk before the match, but attacked Bourne and the referee had no choice but to throw the match out.
  • After the beat down, Sheamus takes the mic, “Back when I was young in Ireland, there was one man who caught my attention in the WWE because he’d sell his mother down the river, and turn his back on his best friend… “The Game” Triple H… He beat the greats, and it’s brought him World Championships.  In one year, I ended careers and became WWE Champion.  You are the man I wanted to face at WrestleMania and in two weeks I get my chance!  This warrior bows to no king!”

Backstage: Stone Cold watching the monitor when approached by Shawn Michaels.  “I need to know, do you think I can beat The Undertaker?”

  • Austin responds, “Hell yeah, but I don’t think you’re going to…”
  • Shawn fires back, “After WrestleMania XIV, they thought my career was over.  I proved them wrong.  This year I do it again.  The streak is over!”
  • Interrupted by Chris Jericho, “Thanks for the match tonight Steve.  I get to embarrass Shawn one more time before Taker retires him at WrestleMania.”
  • HBK glares at Jericho, “Tonight, I’m going to send The Undertaker a message when I destroy you!”  Shawn walks away.
  • Jericho, a little frightened now, turns to Austin and tries to kiss his ass to get out of the match up.  Austin kicks him out of the office.

Non-Title Match
Kelly Kelly vs. Maryse
WINNER: Maryse via pin fall after hitting the French Kiss

  • After match, Maryse puts the boots to Kelly and Gail Kim & Eve Torres come to save her.
  • Out of nowhere come the Smackdown Divas, Michelle McCool & Layla to save Maryse and beat down the other Divas.  Vickie Guerrero meets them at the top of the ramp to congratulate them on a job well done.

Video Package: Superstars talk about the career versus the streak match at WrestleMania.

WrestleMania Rewind Match – WM XIX
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Shawn Michaels via count out after Jericho took a walk

  • After match, Edge jumped Jericho from behind, beating him all the way down to the ring side area.  Throws him into the ring and hits him with a Spear!

Video Package: Last week, Legacy defeated Randy Orton in a Handicap Match.  Announced for WrestleMania will be a Triple Threat match between all three former friends.

Backstage: Josh Matthews finds Orton and asks him if he’s going to lose focus on his match tonight with Triple H knowing that he’s got a match with Legacy at WrestleMania.  Orton responds, “I take Triple H seriously.  I respect Triple H.  Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBibase I don’t take seriously… at WrestleMania, they’ll find out that without me, they are both absolutely nothing!”

WrestleMania Rewind Match – WM 25th Anniversary
Triple H vs. Randy Orton
WINNER: No Contest after Legacy came out and beat up both competitors

  • While Legacy focuses more on Orton, Sheamus comes out and Pump Kicks Triple H in the middle of the ring.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The next WWE Hall of Fame Inductee is Gorgeous George.

Batista vs. Kofi Kingston
WINNER: Batista via pin fall after hitting a Batista Bomb

  • Near matches end, Batista was busted open by a kick from Kofi.  Went straight to the finish, match was not stopped for the blood.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Guest host for RAW next week, “Charlie Hustle” Pete Rose!

Bret Hart and Vince McMahon come to the ring for their contract signing.  Bret is still with his crutch, but now has a walking cast to shield his broken leg.  Stone Cold comes out to preside over the ordeal.

  • Austin takes the mic, “Last year Stone Cold went into the Hall of Fame, it’s something I’m proud of… this year Stu Hart was supposed to go into the Hall, but because you have the say so (Vince), you say he’s not going to the Hall of Fame… Well I’m here to announce he IS going into the Hall of Fame… Do you have a problem with that (Vince)?
  • Vince replies, “No I don’t… If the Hart Family is going to be in the Hall of Fame, we know they’re dysfunctional… Now to business, Bret, you can not sign this contract and be a coward or you can sign and take your beating like a man!  If you sign and don’t show up, I will sue you for all that you have!”
  • Bret laughs, “Even if I had two broken legs, I can and I will beat you!  This isn’t going to be a wrestling match, it’s going to be a fight.  This is going to be a massacre!  How about we make this a No Holds Barred match?”
  • Vince says, “In the words of Stone Cold, Hell Yeah!  Once again Bret has screwed Bret… Now sign it!”
  • Bret signs the contract.  Vince thinks about it for a second and then signs it.  Austin checks to make it official.
  • Austin turns to Vince, “I’m looking forward to you taking the biggest ass whooping of your life!”  Austin heads up the ramp.  He turns around, “Vince, there’s one thing I forgot to tell you… ah, nevermind, I’ll let Bret tell you himself.
  • McMahon turns back towards Bret and his cast is on the table and he throws away the crutch.
  • Bret tells him, “I knew I needed you to think I was hurt.  Thank God John Cena knew some people in the stunt business to pull that off.  I’m 100% and if YOU try to find some way to back out of this match, I’m going to sue you for everything your worth… Vince screwed Vince!”
  • Bret attacks Vince with the cast and walks away!


It’s such a great sight to see Stone Cold again.  That guy changed the face of wrestling and gave it the “attitude” that it needed, and frankly that attitude has disappeared.  From the response of the fans in attendance, it’s something that maybe WWE should explore again because the WWE Universe seemed to eat it up!

All of the matches to me were very lackluster tonight.  They were mainly used as a way to build up to WrestleMania, but had slim to no action, and some really bad finishes in my opinion.  I wish they used the in ring action more to hype things up.  WrestleMania is less than two weeks away and I really couldn’t care less about most of the matches on the card.

The only really successful build up tonight was for the Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon match.  The contract signing, along with Austin running the proceedings was just great!  I knew that Bret wasn’t really injured and that this would happen, but it was still done in such a way that made it absolutely exciting to watch!  I, like Austin, am looking forward to Vince McMahon taking the beating of his life at WrestleMania!