Wrestling News/Rumors – 3/18/10


Since there’s been some stuff going around the net, I figured that today I’d bring you some of the buzz worthy items that are floating around the internet when it comes to the wrestling world.


It’s being said that WWE is going through some major drug testing this week of it’s top stars.  Everyone who will be working WrestleMania is being tested for certain.  As of right now, there have been no names mentioned as to if someone may have failed, and I’m guessing that no results will be made public until after WrestleMania so that WWE doesn’t lose any performers for their biggest PPV of the year.  How funny would it be if someone like John Cena or better yet, someone  from the Straightedge Society failed a drug test?!?


So far in the scheme of the whole “Monday Night War,” TNA isn’t just losing in the ratings, they’re being massacred.  It’s no surprise to me, but what is a big surprise is that TNA’s normal ratings of just over a 1.0 are dropping to below.  TNA did so poorly on Monday they received a 0.84 meaning they only drew 1.1 million viewers.  If you compare that to WWE who got a 3.71 rating (5.6 million viewers), that’s over four times the amount of people watching RAW.  The only wrinkles in these figures, it doesn’t count DVR numbers, and TNA is still showing an Impact replay on Thursday that is scoring around the same ratings that it got on Monday night.


Former WWE and ECW superstar, Tommy Dreamer has been reached out to by TNA wrestling, and from Tommy himself, he’s stated that he may go.  Currently Tommy is waiting out his “no compete” clause after leaving WWE, by acting in a few films and writing his own screenplays.  Personally, I think the world of Tommy Dreamer, but right now I don’t think that TNA could use a guy like that.  The big wigs at TNA need to find their own identity first before they bring in any more talent to their already crowded roster.


Yesterday (3/17) was the official start to Jeff Hardy‘s trial for his laundry list of charges in connection to the raid on his home back in September 2009, two of which are felony drug possession charges and one is a felony drug trafficking charge.  As all of this goes down, it will be decided by the hands of a jury of his peers based in North Carolina.  I hope for TNA’s sake that they don’t lose him, but his dumb ass got caught and should have some sort of punishment to fit the crime.


No, I’m not talking about the former wrestler Earthquake (RIP).  The WWE superstars are currently in Southern California, and on 3/16 there was a 4.4 magnitude earthquake that rocked the Golden State in the early morning.  Some superstars were awaken in their hotel rooms and posted their thoughts on Twitter, ranging from not so bad to OMG scary!  I personally live in California and have felt many earthquakes, and all I have to say is I’d take a 4.4 magnitude earthquake three times a year over one destructive tornado or hurricane per year.  With an earthquake it’s about maybe 5-10 seconds of shaking and then it’s over with as opposed to something you know is coming and cannot always predict if it’s going to destroy your house or not.