Monday Night RAW – 3/22/10


WWE’s Monday Night RAW came to my neck of the woods in San Jose, California.  With it being the final RAW before WrestleMania, what sparks would fly on this night?  Find out here:

Shawn Michaels comes down to the ring, “Oh, I got a feeling!  This is the same feeling I’ve had before!  (gives historical examples)  It’s the same feeling I had last week when I kicked The Undertaker‘s teeth down his throat.  It’s the feeling that I can do absolutely anything, meaning beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania… There seems to be a new Shawn Michaels DVD out just when I happen to put my career on the line.  Makes you think that everything’s coming to an end.  Well clear off some space on your DVD shelf for Volume Two because after WrestleMania, I can assure you this, I will forever be known as the one and only man who ended The Undertaker’s WrestleMania Streak.”

  • Light’s out… Video Package plays highlighting the history of Shawn Michaels.  At the end of it, it says, “Shawn Michaels’ Career 1985-2010.”
  • “Undertaker, I appreciate your little attempt to intimidate me, but if you want to intimidate me, come do it to my face…”
  • RAW Guest Host, Pete Rose comes to the ramp.  “Shawn, let me be the first to wish you good luck at WrestleMania… you’re the right man to end that streak!  As guest host, I would like for you to compete tonight against Undertaker’s brother Kane, same stipulations as WrestleMania.  I need someone to get revenge for me after what Kane has done to me over the years.”  Shawn accepts the challenge!

Video Package: Summerslam 2008 – John Cena vs. Batista – First Time Ever!

The Miz vs. John Morrison
WINNER: John Morrison via pin fall after hitting Starship Pain

  • Both R-Truth & Big Show were on commentary.  Fight starts to break out between all four after the final bell, but the Truth and Morrison get the best of ShoMiz and get out of there.

Backstage: Triple H is getting ready when Randy Orton walks in.  Trips says, “You think because we have common enemies that our past just goes away… you mess with me tonight, I’ll drop you where you stand.”

  • Orton says, “You got to remember man, you still got to make it to WrestleMania.”

Video Package: How Batista became the WWE Champion beating John Cena

Money in the Bank Qualifier Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Vladimir Kozlov
WINNER: Kofi Kingston via pin fall after hitting Trouble in Paradise

  • Jack Swagger on commentary talking about winning Money in the Bank.

Three on Two Handicap Match
Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase & Sheamus vs. Triple H & Randy Orton
WINNERS:  Rhodes, DiBiase & Sheamus after Sheamus hit Orton with a Pump Kick

  • Before match, Legacy cut promo on Orton saying, “Orton needed us, and we don’t care who wins this weekend so long as Randy loses!”
  • After match, Sheamus tries to Pump Kick Triple H, and Trips makes a stand.

Video Package: Last week’s swerve of Vince McMahon by Bret “The Hitman” Hart.

Bret Hart comes to the ring, “When I came back to the WWE a few months ago, never in my wildest dreams would I get another shot to go to WrestleMania… This is going to be a chance I’ve been waiting for, for a long time… I’ve got a chance to leave on a good note now, and leave riding high.  I’ve got a match with Vince McMahon, a no holds barred match!  I’m so sick of hearing “Bret Screwed Bret” and as of next week all we’re going to be hearing is “Bret Beat Vince…”  Next week in Phoenix is going to be a great night for the Hart Family, we’re inducting my father into the Hall of Fame and they’re going to watch me give you the beating of your life!”  Bret reminisces about his WrestleMania moments and then makes a promise to his fans, “WrestleMania 26 will be the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!”

  • Vince McMahon comes to the ramp, “Bret, this Sunday, one way or another, you’re screwed!”

Win by pin or submission only
Shawn Michaels vs. Kane
WINNER: Shawn Michaels via pin fall after hitting Sweet Chin Music

  • Mid match, lights out/on The Undertaker is in the ring.  He Choke Slams HBK.  Light’s out on again, he’s gone.

Video Package: Two weeks ago when Batista attacked Cena during Vince McMahon’s Gauntlet/Handicap Match.

ANNOUNCEMENT: WWE’s next inductee to the Hall of Fame, “Mr. Baseball” Bob Uecker.

Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole run down the card for WrestleMania.

Backstage: Christian talking to Pete Rose who’s happy that he got his revenge against Kane.  Rose walks back into his office to be attacked by Kane behind a closed door with some crappy sound FXs.

Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix & Eve Torres (with Kelly Kelly & Mickie James) vs. Layla, Michelle McCool & Maryse (with Vickie Guerrero & Alicia Fox)
WINNERS: Heels via pin fall after Michelle McCool hit the Faith Breaker on Gail Kim (squash)

Video Package: Last week Cena loses to Big Show after Batista distracts him.

Batista comes to the ring with security, “That’s right, boo me!  Say hello to the bad guy… there’s something you people are going to have to get used to, I am the WWE Champion and John Cena is going to lose at WrestleMania.  John Cena can’t beat me.  John Cena will NEVER beat me!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when John Cena and I are in the same ring, bad things happen to him… I get it, you all love John Cena, because he runs his mouth (does an impression of John Cena – FUNNY!), and you hate me because I’m honest.  I speak the truth and tell you how it is.  You all mean nothing to me.  I don’t see fans, I see dollar signs… I get it, you hate me for my honesty, but you all pay to see me, so thank you, I appreciate your money… John Cena will disappoint you on Sunday at WrestleMania, again!”  Calls out Cena for the fans.

  • Cena comes to the ring with purpose.  Batista hides behind security.  Cena takes a mic, “I’ve already disappointed these people.  I’ve already let these people down.  That was the second you became the WWE Champion.  I lost confidence in myself, and these people lost confidence in me.  Ever since then, you tell these people how pathetic they are and how fabulous you are, and every week I’ve tried to stop you and I’ve failed.  I didn’t expect this, not from you.  Now that it’s happened, I don’t know if I can stop it… I’ve always given people a chance to believe.  I guess that’s because I always believed myself that I was in the fight.  After all that’s happened, if all the fight in the world is going to give me a chance.”
  • Batista laughs, “He admits it.  He’s just like you a common loser!”
  • Cena replies, “All the crap that comes out of your mouth, that’s the first thing that makes sense… I’m just like all of these people and we’re all sick of your garbage… I know who you think you are.  You think you’re the Animal and you can take anyone out.  Well look at me, I’m still here.  Apparently you’re not good at your job.  If you were, I wouldn’t be standing here… I look into your eyes now, I don’t see an Animal, I see Dave Batista, and Dave Batista can and will be beat!  Sunday at WrestleMania, I’m taking back the WWE Championship.”
  • Cena and Batista come to blows as security tries to stop them.  Batista bails and security get beat down by Cena who stands pissed off in the ring, restrained by referees.


Great hype for WrestleMania in this show.  Being at the event live, the atmosphere was electric!  Having the segment with HBK and Taker getting involved in his match was fantastic.  Having Bret Hart come out and speak his peace to the crowd about how excited about WrestleMania he is was great.  Having Batista and Cena come to blows to cap off the night was just awesome!  Tonight shockingly was a really good show!

Finally, they have the final MITB qualifier match.  I was wondering when they were going to add Kofi Kingston to the mix.  I think he’s got to be one of the front runners for the title shot.

Kane attacks Pete Rose again… gawd!

I have to say, good job by Batista’s security guards… All those guys are local indy wrestlers, most I’ve worked with as a cameraman/photographer in different promotions.  That must be a hell of a feeling to be standing in the ring in front of thousands of screaming fans, and then to get beat down by John Cena!