WWE NXT – 4/13/10


After last week’s physical competition, what would be the next random task that the NXT Rookies would have to compete in?  Your answer is right here:

Video Package: Last week, Matt Striker ran a physical challenge for the NXT Rookies testing the speed and strength in a keg carrying contest that was won by Heath Slater.  His prize, a match up with Kane, which he eventually lost.

Matt Striker is in the ring and announces the eight NXT Rookies to the fans.  “I can see by the looks on your faces that the pressure is getting to you…”

  • Striker questions Michael Tarver about the pressure.  He responds, “Whether I win or lose, I will NOT lose!”
  • Striker then moves over to David Otunga asking him about his actions on the past two Monday Night RAWs with John Cena.  He responds, “I wrestled the champion… I don’t see anyone else doing that.”
  • Striker then questions Justin Gabriel about defeating Otunga last week and how he thinks he’d fare if he got the chance to wrestle John Cena?  He responds, “Maybe give me a match and we’ll see!”

Striker then has them perform a mental challenge, which will be judged by the fans.  If they win, they’ll get a chance to work with a WWE sound engineer to create their own entrance theme!  Each NXT Rookie is given thirty seconds to talk about a random subject.

  • WINNER (as voted by the London, England fans): Wade Barrett

Video Package: Last week on Smackdown, the Straightedge Society tried to initiate Darren Young, but when he declined, CM Punk tried to shave his head anyway.  Young survived with his hair because Rey Mysterio saved him.

Backstage: SES and Young are talking.  Young apologizes to Punk for changing his mind.

  • Punk gives him credit for standing up for what he believes in.  Luke Gallows isn’t all that convinced and puts it out there that he can beat Young one on one.  Punk has an idea.  If Young can beat Gallows, all is forgiven.  If Young loses to Gallows, they shave his head tonight!  Young accepts challenge.

Wade Barrett with Chris Jericho vs. Christian with Heath Slater
WINNER: Christian via pin fall after hitting the Kill Switch

Video Package: Access Hollywood did a piece this past week on “A-List” David Otunga.

Backstage: The Miz is verbally bashing Daniel Bryan.  “You think the WWE Pros named you #1, that you’re someone?  Maybe if you dropped your ego and you listen to me you might be somebody!”

Daniel Bryan with The Miz vs. William Regal with Skip Sheffeld
WINNER: Regal via pin fall after hitting the Knee Trembler

  • After match, The Miz hits Bryan with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Darren Young vs. Luke Gallows with CM Punk & Serena
WINNER: Young via pin fall roll up

  • After match, Punk looks pissed.  Walks up to Young… and raises his hand.


Well, if you haven’t guess by now, I’m not a fan of all the crazy challenges.  They waste way too much time and takes the focus off the wrestling.  If would be different if they had something really planned out for the “cut a promo” challenge, like actually let the guy cut a legit promo, not have the guy talk for thirty seconds about toothpaste, rainbows, and cereal!  The first half of tonight’s show was just asinine!  Oh and who didn’t see the Brit, Wade Barrett winning considering they were in London, England…

Second half of the show was better, but seemed very rushed to me.  They had three matches, two video packages, two backstage segments, and a partridge in a pear tree!  With all the time they wasted in the first half, they could’ve let the wrestlers do their thing in the ring, but instead, WWE limits them to five or so minute matches.

And to top it off, Daniel Bryan loses again!  I think this is the running gag now!  He’s not going to win a single match till the very end to win the show or something to that extent.  They’re building it up for him to just destroy The Miz when this is all said and done.