WWE NXT – 4/20/10


With only three more weeks till the first elimination, the NXT Rookies are stepping their game up in the ring and in their challenges.  No one wants to be the first to go home, and they’re pushing to impress the WWE Pros.  Here’s what went down last night on NXT:

Matt Striker is ring side.  He announces all eight NXT Rookies who are standing in the ring.  Striker announces that tonight’s challenge will be a physical one called “Rock ’em Sock ’em Rookies.”  There are two platforms and the NXT Rookies will square off trying to knock each other off.  (Think American Gladiatiors’, Joust)

  • The winner of this challenge will get a feature on WWE.com.

1st Round:

  1. Heath Slater vs. David Otunga – WINNER: Slater
  2. Skip Sheffield vs. Wade Barrett – WINNER: Sheffeld
  3. Michael Tarver vs. Daniel Bryan – WINNER: Bryan (Tarver quit)
  4. Darren Young vs. Justin Gabriel – WINNER: Young

Video Package: The rivalry between John Cena & Batista.

  • Michael Cole & Josh Matthews run down the card for this weekend’s Extreme Rules PPV.

Video Package: A look at Wade Barrett’s performance so far in NXT with insight from the WWE Pros.

David Otunga with R-Truth vs. Justin Gabriel with Matt Hardy
WINNER: Gabriel via pin fall off a Sunset Flip

Challenge Continues… (2nd Round)

  1. Skip Sheffield vs. Heath Slater – WINNER: Sheffield
  2. Daniel Bryan vs. Darren Young – WINNER: Young
  • Michael Cole takes another shot calling Daniel Bryan a loser at everything!

Michael Tarver and Carlito come to the ring.  Tarver takes the mic, “If silence is golden, then my words are invaluable… I don’t play by toyr rules… I dare anyone of you Rookie or Pro to stop me!”

  • Skip Sheffield comes out and accepts the challenge.
  • Just before the match starts, Straightedge Society comes out to the ramp.  CM Punk rambles about Darren Young beating Luke Gallows last week, and how he needs some competition.  He volunteers Young to be in the match to make it a Triple Threat.

Darren Young vs. Skip Sheffield vs. Michael Tarver
WINNER: Young via pin fall after hitting a Full Nelson Face Buster on Tarver

  • Mid match, Luke Gallows came down and tried to cause Young to lose by dumping him off the top rope.  Didn’t work.

Video Package: A look at Heath Slater’s performance so far in NXT with insight from the WWE Pros.

Challenge Continues… (Final Round)

  1. Skip Sheffield vs. Darren Young – WINNER: Sheffield
  • They had to do the match two times because the first was too close to call who won.

Chris Jericho with Wade Barrett vs. Heath Slater
WINNER: Slater via pin fall roll up to counter the Walls of Jericho


The challenge thing this week brought me back to my childhood watching American Gladiators.  Since WWE’s on a guest host kick, they should’ve had Mike Adamle come back to guest host this episode of NXT!

Way to go WWE!  Monday on the random episode of RAW, R-Truth blows up (explosion by MacGruber) and then last night on NXT he’s perfectly fine.  Now, I know there’s story lines and such, but I can’t help but reiterate continuity.  Either that or explain that it was all an act… after all, kids watch this show and you wouldn’t want them thinking they can blow themselves up and they’ll be okay the next day… right?

The finish of the Otunga/Gabriel match was funny though.  Once Gabriel jumped over Otunga for the Sunset Flip, R-Truth was right there looking at Otunga.  A-List yelled at Truth, “GRAB MY HANDS! GRAB MY HANDS” trying to get Truth to help him cheat to win or at least avoid the pin.  I laughed when I heard him say that.  It was just very random to me.

Triple Threat match wasn’t fantastic, but it wasn’t terrible either.  It was mainly a reason to get over the rivalry between Young and Gallows.

The main event was a total shocker to me.  Slater pulling an upset on Jericho is huge!  I also have to appreciate what that does for Slater’s chances in the Pros Poll.  Kayfabe off, kudos to Jericho for being a good professional and putting over a rookie.  That speaks volumes as to what WWE/Jericho thinks of Slater, considering that Daniel Bryan didn’t go over Jericho and he’s a way better wrestler.