WWE Extreme Rules – Review/Results


Extreme Rules is in the books.  Would all of the belts be successfully defended, or was someone able to break through with a victory and leave as a champion?  Read on and find out:

Triple H is introduced to the crowd, but he doesn’t come out from the back.  Cameras in the back catch the action as Sheamus jumped him from behind and beat him down with a pipe.

Big Show & The Miz come out to the ring to address an issue, that being Bret Hart has to say that they’re the best tag team ever as part of their wager from a couple weeks ago.  They also decide to throw out a challenge to anyone in the back to a tag team match.

  • Teddy Long comes to the ramp and is going to give them an opponent, but Miz runs his mouth so much that Teddy decides to give them three in a gauntlet style match.  If ShoMiz loses any one of the matches, that team gets a title shot on RAW Draft tomorrow.
  1. ShoMiz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth
    WINNERS: ShoMiz via DQ as Morrison failed to break a submission hold on Show while in the ropes
  2. ShoMiz vs. MVP & Mark Henry
    WINNERS: ShoMiz via pin fall after Show hit a KO Punch on MVP and Miz got the cover
  3. ShoMiz vs. The Hart Dynasty with Bret Hart
    WINNERS: Hart Dynasty via quick pin fall after hitting a Hart Attack

Todd Grisham gives us an update that Triple H is being evaluated by doctors.  Sheamus says that he’ll be in the ring later and that if Triple H has any guts he’ll meet him there.

Hair/SES Membership Match
CM Punk with Luke Gallows & Serena vs. Rey Mysterio
WINNER: Punk via pin fall after hitting the GTS and a little help from a mystery person after Gallows & Serena were tossed

Strap Match
JTG vs. Shad Gaspard
WINNER: JTG via outsmarting Shad and hitting the last turn buckle before he did

Todd Grisham is back to update us further on Triple H’s status, and it looks like he’s unlikely to return because of nerve damage to his neck.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Jack Swagger (Champion) vs. Randy Orton
WINNER: Swagger via pin fall after hitting the Gut Wrench Power Bomb

  • After match, Orton hit Swagger with an RKO on the floor.

Sheamus comes to the ring with his pipe and cuts a promo on Triple H calling him out.

  • We see backstage camera capturing Trips coming out of the locker room injured as he makes his way to the ring.

Street Fight
Triple H vs. Sheamus
WINNER: Sheamus via pin fall after hitting Triple H with four Pump Kicks to the face

  • After match, while Triple H was getting help to the back, Sheamus hit him with one more Pump Kick.

Josh Matthews has a word with Edge and he says, “I’m not even going to try to escape the cage!”

Women’s Title Match – Extreme Makeover Match
Michelle McCool (Champion) with Layla & Vickie Guerrero vs. Beth Phoenix
WINNER: Beth Phoenix via pin fall after hitting the Glam Slam to become the NEW Women’s Champion

Josh Matthews has a word with Chris Jericho about how losing on NXT to Heath Slater will affect him tonight.  Jericho responds, “One loss doesn’t change my legendary status… Tonight, I guarantee I’m going to end Edge’s career forever!”

Steel Cage Match
Edge vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Edge via pin fall after hitting a Spear

WWE Title Match – Last Man Standing Match
John Cena (Champion) vs. Batista
WINNER: Cena via Batista not being able to answer 10-count after Cena duct taped his legs together around the ring post (DEAD SERIOUS!)


For the most part, this was a real lackluster PPV and probably one of the worst PPV’s I’ve seen in a long time.

Starting off with the beat down of Triple H in the back was just dumb.  Letting ShoMiz have a promo segment was even dumber.  The show just really failed to gain any traction at that point.  Anyone could see the Hart Dynasty coming down and winning that match up!

In the Punk/Mysterio match, having the mystery attacker was good, but the rest of the match didn’t do much for me.

The strap match was a sad and predictable piece of trash!

The World Title match was alright considering they actually tried to get a little extreme as Swagger took two trash can shots to the dome, but it wasn’t great.

The street fight had some brutal moments with a kendo stick, but that was about it for that one.

The Women’s Title match was almost the same sort of crap they do all the time with McCool, Layla and Vickie Guerrero with the numbers game, but at least this time the face pulled out the win.

The steel cage match at least had some emotion to it.  Jericho at one point in time was screaming “no more please” after Edge slammed his leg in the door and started singling it out.

The WWE Title match was decent and ended the night on a positive note because I laughed my ass off when Cena duct taped Batista around the pole.  That was hilarious to me!  Didn’t really put the match to another level, but I left the PPV smiling because of it.  However, it wasn’t funny enough to make me forget how bad the other matches were.