WWE Draft Special – 4/26/10


In the shadow of Extreme Rules, WWE has decided to “shake things up again,” with their annual draft.  All superstars on both RAW and Smackdown rosters are eligible to be drafted to either show.  Who would stay the course and who would find a new home? Find out right here, right now:

The Miz and Big Show come to the ring.  Miz takes the mic, “Last night, Big Show and I were forced to wrestle three consecutive matches and The Hart Dynasty was handed a title shot…”  Miz takes shots at the Hart Family, specifically Stu Hart and his Dungeon.  “Bret Hart, you’re the biggest loser of them all… I want you to come out here and as part of our wager, declare ShoMiz the greatest tag team of all time…”

  • Bret comes to the ramp, “I’m a man of my word… I declare ShoMiz is the greatest tag team of all time… I also declare that The Mountie was the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time.  I also declare that David Arquette was the greatest World Champion of all time.  In fact, I can say anything I want, like Miz is a horse faced idiot… Truth is, talk is cheap and it’s about results… Tonight, you’ll declare the Hart Dynasty NEW Unified Tag Team Champions!”

Unified Tag Team Title Match
ShoMiz vs. The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & DH Smith with Natalya & Bret Hart)
WINNERS: Hart Dynasty via submission after Kidd locked Miz in the Sharpshooter to become the NEW Unified Tag Team Champions

Video Package: John Cena defeats Batista at Extreme Rules via duct tape!

Video Package: During commercial, Big Show got so frustrated with Miz that he punched him in the face!

Video Package: Sheamus attacked Triple H before their match, but Trips was still game enough to go to the ring for the street fight.  Sheamus was too much for him and now Triple H is on the shelf.

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with Jack Swagger, “What I did last night was exactly what I said I was going to do…”

  • Interrupted by Edge, “You shouldn’t be worrying about last night.  You should worry about the fact that I beat Chris Jericho in a steel cage, and now I’m next in line for that (title)…”

Draft Pick Match
Layla & Michelle McCool with Vickie Guerrero vs. Eve Torres & Maryse
WINNERS: LayCool via pin fall after McCool kicked Maryse in the face

  • Mid match, Maryse and Eve were at each other’s throats and started fighting on the outside.


Draft Pick Match
Evan Bourne vs. CM Punk with Straightedge Society
WINNER: Punk via pin fall after hitting the GTS

  • Mid match, the same mystery attacker from Extreme Rules attacked Bourne while the ref’s back was turned.


Backstage: Teddy Long approaches Big Show and is excited to have him join Smackdown.  Big Show’s all serious, and Teddy looks scared.  Big Show flashes a smile and hugs Teddy who afterward, does a victory dance.

Sheamus comes to the ring, “So the good news is, Triple H will not be drafted to Smackdown.  The bad news is, Triple H will never wrestle again… Now I want the WWE Championship…”

  • Interrupted by Randy Orton, “Sheamus, nobody has despised Triple H like I have… don’t for one second think you deserve a title shot.”
  • Sheamus replies, “you had your title shot last night, and you lost!”
  • Orton looks him in the eye and says, “how about I hit you with an RKO and punt your head off?”
  • Sheamus laughs, “I don’t deal with losers.  I’m going to face John Cena for the WWE Championship and there’s nothing you can do about it!”
  • Interrupted by John Cena, “We seem to have a problem.  We’ve got two guys that think they’re #1 contender.”  Cena asks for the guest host, who doesn’t show and fakes like he’s getting a phone from WWE Global that tells him there’s no guest host.
  • Since Cena’s the champion, he makes a #1 contenders match between Orton and Sheamus.

Brand Battle Royal – Draft Pick Match (3 draft picks on line)
WINNERS: Team RAW (survivors: Ted DiBiase & Santino Marella)

  • After match, DiBiase hit Dream Street on Santino for celebrating when he really didn’t do much.

RAW DRAFTS John Morrison, R-Truth & Edge.

Chris Jericho to the ring, “Last night, I was the victim of an unfair and merciless attack by Edge… The WWE should fine and suspend him, I demand it…”  He then goes on to blame his loss at Extreme Rules on NXT Rookie Heath Slater whom Jericho lost to last week on NXT, and demands he come to the ring and apologize to him.

  • Slater comes to the ring, “I’m sorry you weren’t able to beat Edge last night.  I’m sorry you couldn’t beat me, and I’m sorry that you’re not going to beat my pro either…”

Draft Pick Match
Christian with Heath Slater vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Jericho via pin fall after hitting a Codebreaker to counter a top rope cross body.

  • After match, Jericho hits Slater with a Codebreaker.


  • Kofi runs to the ring and hits Jericho with Trouble in Paradise.

Draft Pick Match (Non-Title)
Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison
WINNER: Swagger via pin fall after hitting the Gut Wrench Power Bomb


Backstage: Ted DiBiase is talking to Carlito, “Face it Carlito, if you take my offer, you won’t sit on the sidelines any more…”

  • Carlito replies, “I’d rather sit on the sidelines than take your offer…”
  • DiBiase approaches R-Truth, “I’m looking for someone to watch my back… and carry my bags…”
  • Truth replies, “So you want yourself a Virgil?  You’re daddy had a Virgil, and you want a Virgil too..?”
  • DiBiase offers him money for it.  Truth says he needs time to think about it, and two seconds later, Truth slaps him upside the head and says, “Truth don’t play that!”

Video Package: Cena highlights honoring the United States Military!

Draft Pick Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. Hornswoggle
WINNER: Hornswoggle via count out

  • After match, Ziggler puts Hornswoggle to sleep with the Sleeper Hold.


Batista comes to the ring pissed, “I’m the #1 contender.  I should be WWE Champion… Duct tape?!?  Last night was a joke… Cena owes me a match and I’m not leaving…”

  • Sheamus to ring, “I don’t think so Batista.  When are you going to get it through your skulls, you’re both losers…”
  • Interrupted by Orton, “Ever since we’ve been in Evolution, I’ve had to listen to you (Batista) whine…”  Tries cutting a deal with Batista that when he beat Sheamus, Batista will get an opportunity to face him for the #1 contender spot, and Sheamus complains.
  • Cena comes to the ramp and makes it a triple threat match.

Triple Threat #1 Contender Match
Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
WINNER: Batista via pin fall

  • Mid match, Edge comes to the ring and spears Orton.  Batista capitalizes by draping an arm over him for the pin.


Raw drafted: The Hart Dynasty, The Great Khali, Goldust, Ezekiel Jackson

Smackdown drafted: MVP, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Rosa Mendes, Hornswoggle, Cody Rhodes


Kudos to whoever came up with Bret Hart’s comeback against the Miz!  I was laughing hard when I heard him say The Mountie, but I was on the floor laughing when he brought up David Arquette!  That was brilliant writing for someone who follows wrestling closely.

Sign of the night, “WWE won’t draft Tebow!”  It’s funny, but it’s mean at the same time.  If you don’t follow football, then you won’t get it.

Tonight was a really solid show.  If had a few silly moments, but for the most part I was entertained.

As for where people are going, RAW had the best draft by leaps and bounds.  From the looks of it, RAW practically raided the top level talent on Smackdown.  The red team got Jericho, Edge, Morrison, and R-Truth while the blue team got Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Christian, and Kelly Kelly on the broadcast last night.  If you look at just that, RAW has the scale tipping in their direction.  Guess that’s going to make them the A-show again…

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