Monday Night RAW – 5/3/10


After last week’s draft, the roster of RAW has some new faces and new egos to deal with.  How would the new stars fare in their first RAW appearance?  Find out here:

Video Package: Last Monday, Triple Threat Match for the #1 Contender spot for the WWE Title, which was won by Batista with some outside interference from Edge.

Batista to the ring, “Last week I became the #1 contender again, when I should be the WWE Champion again…  A Last Man Standing match is when you beat your opponent so brutally and decisively that they cannot stand the count of ten.  That did NOT happen last week.  (Video Package from Extreme Rules shown)  That was by far the most embarassing moment of John Cena‘s career/life… Seriously, duct tape?!?  That’s something Hornswoggle would do…”

  • Interrupted by Sheamus, “You want to know pathetic, that’s you talking about your WWE Title match…  I took out Triple H at Extreme Rules.  Maybe that’s why I don’t have a title match because I took out the son-in-law…  How about tonight, you and me, one on one?  IF I win, I get Cena at Over The Limit for the WWE Championship.
  • Batista says “NO!  You lost last week!”  Then tells him to get out of his ring.
  • Sheamus vows he’ll be WWE Champion sooner than you think!

Batista remains in ring for his match.  His opponent, The Miz, comes out to the ring in street clothes and says that he hasn’t been medically cleared to wrestle tonight and that in his place would be his NXT Rookie, Daniel Bryan.

  • Miz tells Bryan to not lose in 30 seconds, and Bryan comes back stating that he’s “going to make Batista tap out.”

Beat The Clock Challenge
Batista vs. Daniel Bryan
WINNER: Batista via pin fall after hitting a Batista Bomb with a time of 5:06.

  • After match, Batista hits Bryan with another two Batista Bombs.

Video Package: Edge costs Randy Orton the opportunity to be the #1 Contender for the WWE Title.

Backstage: Diva’s Champion, Eve Torres, is having a photo shoot when RAW guest host, Wayne Brady, enters the room.  He introduces himself and congratulates her on her title win.

  • Interrupted by Jillian Hall who wants to sing Wayne’s entrance theme tonight.  She starts singing.  Wayne escorts her out of the room and apologizes to Eve about it.  He leaves.
  • Eve turns to continue the photo shoot and gets clocked by Maryse with the Diva’s Title.

Backstage: Edge is talking to a production assistant about getting a video package made when he’s approached by Josh Matthews who asks about having Orton as his guest on The Cutting Edge tonight.

  • Edge replies, “Everything we do here is PG, well I’m rated-R!  So I’m not going to have you or some P.A. tell me what to do or show…”

Ted DiBiase comes to the ring, “You’d think R-Truth would relish the idea of being set for life… I will hire an associate and he will help me slap around that wannabe rapper…”

Ted DiBiase vs. John Morrison
WINNER: Morrison via count out after DiBiase took a walk

  • After match, Morrison wants to have the match restarted… He baits DiBiase back into the match by saying that if he loses, he’ll be DiBiase’s Virgil.  Match restarts.

WINNER: Morrison via pin fall after countering Dream Street into a pinning combo

  • After match, DiBiase attacks Morrison.  R-Truth comes down to save the day, and DiBiase bails out.

John Cena comes to the ring for his match.  His opponent, Chris Jericho, comes to the ramp in his suit still.  He’s not going to be wrestling tonight either, but he states it’s because he doesn’t need to embarrass Cena again.  So he decides to give Cena a replacement, his NXT Rookie Wade Barrett.

Beat The Clock Challenge
John Cena vs. Wade Barrett
WINNER: Cena via submission after locking on the STF with 27 seconds remaining

  • After match, Cena goes to name the stipulation of his match with Batista at Over The Limit when he’s attacked by Sheamus who hits him with a Pump Kick.

Nikki Bella with Brie Bella vs. Maryse
WINNER: Maryse via pin fall after hitting the French Kiss DDT

  • After match, Maryse presents her photo shoot to the world.  It’s pictures of her posing with the Diva’s Title laying over Eve’s broken body from he attack earlier.
  • Eve comes running down and the ref stops her from getting into a brawl with Maryse.

Zack Ryder to the ring, and because Rosa Mendes is now on Smackdown, he’s single and ready to mingle.  Gail Kim & Alicia Fox are sitting ring side to watch his match.

  • Guest host, Wayne Brady, appears on the Titan Tron and tells Ryder he’s got the perfect opponent for him if he wants to impress the ladies…

Zack Ryder vs. Mark Henry
WINNER: Henry via pin fall after hitting the World Strongest Slam

  • After match, the divas at ringside leave with Henry.

Backstage: Chris Jericho and The Miz are talking/venting about their frustration with what the Big Show did to each of them last week.  They both claim that they’ve carried him along.

  • Jericho has a crazy idea and has Miz follow him.

Backstage: Vladimir Kozlov is with guest host, Wayne Brady.  Kozlov is happy that Brady is going to give him a match tonight.

  • In walks Santino with 1970s looking clothing and an afro, talking about the Brady Bunch TV show.  Santino wants to partner with Kozlov tonight.
  • Interrupted by William Regal who says they’re partners already for tonight.
  • Santino reminds Kozlov that Regal betrayed him and that he was one of only seven people to watch it happen on ECW!  (LOL!)
  • All three men leave, and Wayne Brady is left in the room.  Goldust appears wearing a blue and white smock looking get up.  Brady calls him “Alice?”  (Brady Bunch reference)  Goldust flips out.

Non-Title Match  (Miz and Jericho on commentary)
The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & DH Smith with Natalya) vs. William Regal & Vladimir Kozlov
WINNERS: Hart Dynasty via submission after Smith locked the Sharpshooter on Regal

  • After match, Miz and Jericho attack Hart Dynasty

Edge comes to the ring for The Cutting Edge segment.  Gives an explanation for why he attacked Randy Orton last week… he needed to do it.  He goes to introduce his guest, Randy Orton when he’s interrupted by guest host, Wayne Brady.  He says he’s been a wrestling fan his whole life and asks him can he try to feel what it’s like to walk in Edge’s shadow, what it’s like to be a WWE superstar?  Brady goes on a rant about the guest hosts.

  • Interrupted by Randy Orton.  Stare down mid ring between Edge and Orton.  Wayne Brady goes to shake Orton’s hand and gets RKO’d.  Edge tries to be the voice of reason.  Tells Orton last week was something that he would do.  That Edge needed to make a statement.  He puts out the idea that they should team up again and become Rated-RKO.  Who could stop them?
  • After Orton’s non-response, Edge flies off the handle on the fans.  Saying the fans don’t respect him, but for some reason they get behind Orton.  Edge demands Orton joins him because if he doesn’t he’ll continue to spear him every week!
  • Orton goes for RKO, Edge counters with a boot.  Goes for a spear, but Orton counters it with an RKO.


Why do I have a feeling that the WWE Title match at Over The Limit is going to turn into a Triple Threat???

Daniel Bryan made a Batista match bearable to watch!  That’s why he should win NXT!

What’s with all of a sudden Ted DiBiase needing to have his own man-servant like Virgil?  Slavery ended a long time ago…

Barrett put up a good fight against Cena.  He actually controlled most of the match until Cena won with the STF.

Women’s match and Ryder/Henry match were just silly.

After watching the post match beat down, I’m wondering if the WWE is actually now going to pair up The Miz and Jericho as a tag team?  It may be a great thing for The Miz.  He can learn in ring psychology from the best in the business… not to mention how to play a great heel with an ego!

The Cutting Edge segment was cool, minus the fact that Wayne Brady took an RKO.  Just sick of the guest host thing, and it’s not looking like it’s going to stop any time soon.