Monday Night RAW – 5/10/10


The superstars were in Pittsburgh last night for Monday Night RAW.  With tempers boiling and a PPV coming in a short couple of weeks, who would start to gain some momentum?  Find out what went down on RAW, right here:

Video Package: Last week on the Cutting Edge segments, Edge & Randy Orton talk face to face and Orton get’s the best of the Rated-R Superstar.

Randy Orton, “Edge, would you like to know why I didn’t accept your offer last week?  It’s because you see me as a threat and you should…”

  • Out walks the singer, Meatloaf… I’m serious, he’s got a new CD out and it’s a theme for a PPV… “I had to get out here to see you… on my album I have a song that needs to be your theme song…”  Meatloaf sings a bunch of song, and Randy is getting annoyed so badly that he decides to RKO him.
  • Edge to the ramp, “I take it you don’t like celebrities…  I called WWE Global HQ and they Tweeted me back… from here on out, guest celebrity hosts have no authority on RAW… I think RAW needs a permanent general manager, and they agreed.  You’ll never guess who they picked…
  • “EXCUSE ME!”  Out walks Vickie Guerrero.  “Despite my personal relationship in the past with Edge, I will be a true professional… You Randy attacking celebrities will not be tolerated and you’ll be reprimanded…”
  • Orton tells Vickie to come to the ring and say it to his face.  Edge calls him a bully.
  • Vickie makes a match for later, Orton vs. Edge and a partner of his choosing.

Chris Jericho vs. DH Smith with Natalya
WINNER: Jericho via pin fall after hitting the Code Breaker

  • The stipulation on this match was if Jericho won, he and The Miz got a Unified Tag Title Match at Over The Limit.

Backstage: We see Edge and Batista talking backstage (no audio).

R-Truth and guest host Flavor Flav come to the ring and hype up the crowd.

R-Truth vs. William Regal
WINNER: No Contest

  • Moments into the match Carlito & Primo run in and beat the crap out of R-Truth.
  • As they walk back up the ramp, Ted DiBiase is waiting for them at the top.  He hands both Colons an envelope… Everyone has a price..?

Video Package: A look at Eve Torres‘ run as of late becoming the Diva’s Champion.

Video Package: Earlier in the day, Maryse is practicing judo throws in the ring with an instructor.  She’s not getting everything and gets frustrated and hits the trainer.

Backstage: Josh Matthews asks Randy Orton if he’s concerned about who Edge’s partner was going to be?  “There’s not much I can do about it so no!  I want Vickie Guerrero to be at ring side for my match so that I can make sure tonight is a night she’ll never forget!”

Video Package: Buzz Aldrin is going to be hosting next week’s commercial free RAW.

Zack Ryder to the ring.  He talks to the divas at ringside, Gail Kim & Alicia Fox, saying he’s going to impress them.  Compliments Alicia, but not Gail.

Zack Ryder vs. Evan Bourne
WINNER: Bourne via pin after hitting Air Bourne

  • Mid match, Alicia tried to knock Bourne off the top rope, but Gail stopped her.  Gail leaves with Evan.

Video Package: Last week, John Cena wins a Beat the Clock Challenge and gets to choose the stipulation for his match against Batista at Over The Limit.  Before he could choose, he’s attacked by Sheamus.

Cena to the ring, “I’d like to thank Sheamus because his attack gave me an extra week to think about the stipulations on my match with Batista at Over The Limit.  I can choose any stipulation, but this match will be fair and competitive, but brutal.  If Batista wins, I will forfeit my rematch clause… In two weeks, I will face Batista in an I Quit Match… I’d really like to thank Sheamus…”

  • Sheamus to the ramp, “You want to thank me..?  Do you really want me to come down there?”
  • Sheamus walks to the ring, and Batista jumps Cena from behind.  Two on one beat down ensues.
  • Mark Henry runs down to save Cena…

Backstage: Edge tells Vickie he’s got a partner and then tries to clear the air with Vickie about their past issues.  Edge invites Vickie to ringside for the match.

  • She’s afraid of Orton.  She wants Edge to guarantee her that Orton won’t do anything to her.
  • Edge tells her to “fire him if he does anything…”  Prove you’re not intimidated by him…”

The Miz vs. Tyson Kidd with Natalya
WINNER: Kidd via random pin fall roll up

  • Stipulation on this match was if Miz loses, he’ll defend his US Title next week against a Hart Family member.
  • Post match, Miz takes the mic, “The stipulation was if I lose, I decide a member of the Hart Family to defend my U.S. Title against next week… I choose Bret “The Hitman” Hart!”

Backstage: Josh Matthews grabs Batista.  Tells him that there’s going to be a match tonight, him against Mark Henry.  Batista comments about his I Quit Match with Cena instead saying, “I’m going to make him scream I Quit!  If you don’t believe me, watch my match against Mark Henry tonight.”

NXT Rookies vs. John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust & Santino Marella
WINNERS: NXT Rookies via small package pin fall by Daniel Bryan on Santino

Backstage: Flavor Flav talking with The Bella Twins about his new TV show Nite Tales.

  • Interrupted by Vladimir Kozlov who’s arguing with Santino.  Kozlov doesn’t want to be Santino’s partner because “he loses all the time!”
  • Interrupted by William Regal who says to Kozlov, pay no attention to him.  Regal then disses Flavor Flav and rap music.  Flav asks Regal to bust a rap, and Regal reluctantly does (LOL!).

Batista vs. Mark Henry

  • Match doesn’t officially start as Batista waffles Henry with a chair.  Batista locks on a grounded version of an abdominal stretch/crucifix maneuver and Henry passes out because Batista won’t let it go.

Handicap Match
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase & Edge with Vickie Guerrero
WINNER: Orton via pin fall after hitting an RKO on DiBiase

  • Mid match, R-Truth distracted DiBiase allowing Orton to hit the RKO.
  • After match, Orton glares at Vickie and heads her direction.  Edge is slowly getting up off the floor.  Vickie is frightened.  She screams, “I RESIGN!”  Orton hits Edge with an RKO and Vickie runs away!


Last night’s RAW was mediocre.  Most matches were dramatically short or didn’t even barely start before they were ended by DQ.  I can’t stand when they don’t let their superstars actually showcase their in-ring talent.  Hell, the Flavor Flav/R-Truth hyping of the crowd was longer than the Colon’s beat down of R-Truth shortly after.

So it’s official, Miz and Jericho are going to be a tag team now.  They’ve got a title match at Over The Limit.  Talk about ego driven!

Holy crap!  WWE let Daniel Bryan get a win!  SCORE ONE FOR INDY WRESTLERS!  LOL!  Big deal, it was against Santino…

I think the biggest shock of the night is that Batista knows a submission move that’s not a bear hug!

At the beginning of the night, I was pissed that Vickie Guerrero was back on RAW.  By night’s end, Vickie resigned and all was right in the world!