WWE Over The Limit – Review/Results


Always expect the unexpected with WWE.  Last night at WWE’s Over The Limit, there were some things that I didn’t see coming and some fluke things that occurred that could change the immediate future of the WWE.  What happened?  Find out right here.

Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre (Champion)
WINNER: Kingston via pin fall after hitting the SOS becoming the NEW IC Champion

  • Post match, McIntyre throws a hissy fit and demands that Teddy Long come out there and reverse the decision…
  • Instead, Matt Hardy comes out and beats his ass down with a Twist of Fate.

R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase with Virgil
WINNER: R-Truth via pin fall after hitting the Lie Detector

Join SES vs. Hair Match
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
WINNER: Mysterio via pin fall countering a lazy cover by Punk

  • Post match, Straightedge Society comes out to help Punk avoid getting his hair cut and attack Rey (They bring down handcuffs).  Kane comes out to help Mysterio, and eventually he catches Punk with the handcuffs to the ropes.  Punk has nowhere to go and Mysterio starts shaving his head.

Unified Tag Team Title Match
The Hart Dynasty (Champions) vs. The Miz & Chris Jericho
WINNERS: Hart Dynasty via pin fall after hitting the Hart Attack on Miz

Randy Orton vs. Edge
WINNER: Double Count Out

  • Orton looked to be setting up for the RKO, but as he was pounding on the mat he just randomly stopped and grabbed his arm like he may have broken a bone or tore a muscle.  They scrambled to the outside and brawled till the referee counted ten.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Big Show vs. Jack Swagger (Champion)
WINNER: Show via DQ after Swagger got frustrated and hit him with the title belt.

  • Post match, Swagger tried to beat down Show with a chair, but he absorbed the punishment and then turned it around on Swagger with a chair shot of his own.  Beat down was capped off by a KO Punch sending Swagger to dream land.

Diva’s Title Match
Eve Torres (Champion) vs. Maryse
WINNER: Eve via pin fall after hitting a head-scissor like face buster

WWE Championship Match – I Quit Match
John Cena (Champion) vs. Batista
WINNER: Cena via submission just before he hit the Attitude Adjustment on Batista through the stage.

  • Post match, Cena still hit Batista with the Attitude Adjustment through the stage anyways.
  • Cena celebrates with the fans, but just before the broadcast goes off the air, Sheamus attacks Cena with a Pump Kick.


All in all, I think this was a very mediocre PPV on WWE’s part.  A lot of the time I wasn’t even looking up at the screen because things were just so blah for me.  The best match of the night I would have to give to CM Punk and Rey Mysterio.  There was a ton of emotion in that match up and the crowd was into it except for the one hiccup of Punk getting cut open and they had to stop the bleeding.  Smackdown this week will be odd to see Punk without hair.

As for the other matches on the card, they just didn’t have that big fight feel to them to make me really want to care who won or lost.

McIntyre bitched about losing his title again, and eventually went in the back to Teddy Long’s office to destroy it.  We’ll see what happens for Friday if he goes to Vince McMahon about this one too.

Truth/DiBiase was just okay.  They really didn’t build a rivalry for that one so much other than R-Truth not wanting to be DiBiase’s slave like Virgil was to his daddy.

I was shocked that the Unified Tag Team match wasn’t better considering it had Jericho in it, but I guess you can only do so much when you’re standing on the apron.

I feel bad for Orton.  He and Edge had a decent match going when his arm/shoulder injury occurred.  They totally improvised on the finish and you can tell because it was a total cluster f**k, and the crowd got pissed.

I figured Swagger would retain the belt, but I thought he’d get a fluke win, not get DQ’d.

Cena/Batista wasn’t as good as I hoped it would be.  There was one point where Batista actually got into a car (prop on the entrance ramp), and tried to hit Cena with it.  WWE used the dumbest camera angle and we never actually saw Cena move out of the way of it till two minutes later when he pulls Batista out of the car to beat his ass down.

One thing I have to give credit to tonight were the commentators.  Matt Striker, Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole were on their game tonight.  No, not with actual commentary, but with snide little jokes about the wrestlers.  For example, Striker made a comment when the SES came out with handcuffs, “I’m guessing Rey forgot his papers,” poking fun at the Arizona immigration law.  They didn’t pull any punches when it came to the jokes and at one point you could tell Striker was pissed at Cole because Cole made a joke at his expense.

Anyways, I’ll be back tomorrow with the RAW  results, until then you stay classy! 😀