Monday Night RAW – 5/31/10


Now that the main event for Fatal 4 Way is set, how would the superstars react to the other competitors on RAW?  Find out what went down last night, right here:

Broadcast starts with Edge in the ring whooping on Evan Bourne.  We’re told that Bourne wanted to come out and make a statement.  Bourne fights back enough to try an Air Bourne, but misses.  Allows Edge to hit a spear.

  • Edge takes the mic, “What just happened to Evan Bourne will happen to my opponents at Fatal 4 Way… I’m not like my opponents (Runs down their styles)… At Fatal 4 Way, I prove everyone wrong for their disrespect over the years when I become a ten time champion!”
  • Interrupted by Randy Orton who walks to the ring… Edge taunts him a bit about his injury… Edge threatens to hurt him at Fatal 4 Way.  He gets hit by the RKO out of nowhere!

Backstage: Guest host, Ashton Kutcher is on his laptop when he’s approached by Eve Torres.  He greets her, but complains about Zack Ryder talking smack on Twitter… He puts out a “hit” on Ryder (like his movie character who’s a hitman).

  • The Miz walks in.  Ashton informs him that he and Bret Hart set him up with a match tonight.  He’s going to face someone who’s on a one day contract… Daniel Bryan.  Miz is confident that he’s going to beat Bryan to a bloody pulp.  Ashton thinks that Bryan’s going to make him tap.

R-Truth vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Truth via small package pin after countering the Walls of Jericho

Video Package: Last week, Bret Hart puts Batista in a Fatal 4 Way qualifying match against Randy Orton.  Batista threatens to quit if forced to wrestle.  Bret declares Orton the winner via forfeit.  Batista quits RAW.

Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox are in the office of Bret Hart accusing him of being the “hitman” for Ashton Kutcher.  Ryder says he’s watching him!

  • In walk The Hart Dynasty.  Bret talks to them about their attackers from last week.  He says they’re The Usos and that he actually signed them to RAW.  He didn’t realize that they were going to attack them.  He tells them he can’t do any favors for them because he’s the GM, but asks them, what are they going to do about it?

Mixed Tag Team Match
Eve Torres & Santino Marella vs. Maryse & William Regal with Vladimir Kozlov
WINNERS: Eve/Santino via pin fall

  • Pre match, Santino tries to appeal to Kozlov again about being in a tag team with him.
  • Mid match while the ref’s view is obstructed, Kozlov choke slams Regal.

Video Package: Clips honoring the troops and Memorial Day.

Bret Hart to the ring.  He says he’s having fun as GM.  Says, next week that he and Teddy Long arranged a special 3-hour RAW with appearances by Smackdown superstars.  Bret wants suggestions from guys in the back, from fans, anyone.  He wants it to be a night to remember.

  • Interrupted by Ted DiBiase & Virgil who come to the ring.  DiBiase suggests that Bret give him control of the GM duties for the night, and he’s willing to buy him and Teddy Long off for it…  DiBiase says he knows why he took this gig, the money…
  • Interrupted by guest host, Ashton Kutcher on the Titan Tron.  Suggests that they should do a RAW Viewer’s Choice show…  Bret likes the idea.
  • Interrupted by Vince McMachon. Vince talks about WrestleMania where Bret destroyed him.  Vince explains to the crowd why he might’ve hired bret back as general manager.  Vince says as time goes by Bret’s going to have to make some tough decisions and make the right decisions for the crowd, even if it’s unpopular… Vince wishes him luck and hopes his WWE story has a happy ending… (with a condescending grin)

Backstage: Zack Ryder talking to Orton hoping he’s not the hitman Ashton Kutcher set out for him… Orton says if I were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  • Ryder leaves, Edge slams a door on Orton’s arm, re-injuring him.

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan
WINNER: Bryan via pin fall

  • Post match, Miz jumps Bryan.  Drags him over to the announce desk and demands he apologizes to Michael Cole for last week’s attack.  Bryan reverses the hold, and launches Miz into Cole’s lap!

The Usos (Jay & Jimmy) and Tamina walk to the ring and introduce themselves to the crowd.  They say the only way to make a name for themselves was to to put The Hart Dynasty on their backs.  They say that their blood runs deep all the way back to The Wild Samoans… Warns the Harts that they “were at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and that their family gets respect that ours don’t.”  Tamina tells the crowd that her dad is Jimmy Snuka and then says that “they were created for one purpose, to dominate!”

  • Hart Dynasty run down and a brawl breaks out.  Usos up, Harts down.

Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox to the ring.  Ryder talks about guest host, Ashton Kutcher’s hit on him.  Fox suggested that he come out to the ring and demand who’s making the hit.

  • Ashton comes on the screen and asks him if he really wants to know?  Not realizing, Jerry Lawler is sneaking up behind him with a chair.  King sits down in the ring.  Ashton says it’s not Lawler, playing mind games with Ryder.
  • Out walks The Great Khali… It’s not him.  Out walks Goldust… Not him… Ryder’s getting pissed… Ashton tells him that he’s never going to see it coming…
  • Ryder’s perplexed.  Alicia takes the mic and asks to quit these games.  Drops the mic handing it back to Ryder.  He goes to pick it up, and she hits him with a scissors kick to the back of the head.

Backstage: Edge is getting ready when he’s approached by Sheamus who gives kudos for his hit on Randy Orton…

  • Edge suggests that they take out Cena tonight too…
  • Sheamus warns Edge about taking any cheap shots on him tonight.

Video Package: WWE Classics – Junk Yard Dog

Edge & Sheamus come to the ring for their match.  John Cena comes to the ramp and explains to the crowd the issue with Orton who was supposed to be his tag team partner.  Well, he picked the guy that Edge attacked at the beginning of the night, Evan Bourne, to replace Orton.

Edge & Sheamus vs. John Cena & Evan Bourne
WINNERS: Cena/Bourne via pin fall after Cena hit an Attitude Adjustment on Sheamus followed up by Bourne’s Air Bourne


The opening caught me off guard.  The broadcast just broke in during the middle of a fight between Edge & Bourne.  I can’t remember the last time WWE did something like that.  It was a great change than the norm.

I think the whole “hit” thing on Ryder was just dumb!  They did it to help put over Ashton Kutcher’s movie.

Shocked that Chris Jericho actually lost to R-Truth.  That puts Truth over huge!  Maybe he will have a decent run as the US Champion.

After Kozlov attacked Regal, I was just shocked.  This story line really doesn’t mean much in the long run, but I didn’t see that coming.  I enjoy watching Santino, but he and Kozlov together as a tag team would be rather odd to me.

It was awesome to see Daniel Bryan beat The Miz tonight.  I’m looking forward to him being signed “officially” soon enough.  There’s going to be a great rivalry between these two competitors as well as Michael Cole thrown in there.

I’m glad the let the Usos introduce themselves tonight.  Their lineage is just as great as the Hart’s.  I’m also excited that the WWE is bringing in young guys to take part in rebuilding the tag team division!  THANK GOD!!!

In the main event, Evan Bourne just took a step into a new direction.  He got a chance to move in the direction of becoming the next Rey Mysterio.  I don’t know if it’s going to work, but he’s a fan favorite right now because of his Air Bourne finisher.  We’ll see what happens over the course of the next few weeks and months if he continues to get a push or he gets squashed back to the midcard.