Monday Night RAW – 6/7/10


Last night on RAW was Viewer’s Choice where fans get to vote on certain stipulations when it comes to booking the matches.  Would anything exciting happen?  Find out right here, right now:

The general mangers for both RAW & Smackdown, Bret Hart & Teddy Long, come to the ring and talk about how Viewer’s Choice is going to work with fans voting on

  • Interrupted by Randy Orton who has his arm in a sling.  He offers a choice to Bret Hart… He wants Edge in a match, and Bret can either give him that match, or he can go find Edge in the back and beat him down.
  • Edge comes out and wants the match himself so that he can finished what he’s started with Orton.
  • Teddy long whispers a suggestion to Bret, and then he announces that they’re going to let the fans in the arena decide what the stipulation in the match should be, either A) Debate B) Sit Up Contest C) One Arm Match
  • When the One Arm Match is selected, Edge looks pissed and thinks it’s rigged.

Viewer’s Choice Match – A) Over Top Rope Challenge B) Submission Match C) Body Slam Challenge

Body Slam Challenge
Big Show vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Big Show

  • Post match, Big Show puts Jericho in a submission and makes him tap, then throws him out of the ring over the top rope just to be sure he won all possible stipulations.

Viewer’s Choice Match – Who Faces The Hart Dynasty?- A) The Usos B) The Dude Busters C) The Great Khali & Hornswoggle

  • Promos are cut by all three teams.

The Hart Dynasty vs. The Great Khali & Hornswoggle
WINNERS: Harts via pin fall after Hornswoggle missed the Tadpole Splash and couldn’t recover

  • Post match, The Usos came out to attack the Harts again, but this time they were ready for them.

Jerry Lawler leaves the announce desk because something is wrong…

Justin Roberts announces the guest hosts for tonight’s show, the actors from the new movie The A-Team.  Only one winds up coming out to hype the crowd, and then walks away.

Jerry Lawler is in the back looking for something when he’s grabbed by two of the other A-Team members who say they’re here to help him.

  • King tells them his crown has been stolen and needs their help to get it back.
  • The A-Team members leave and run into The Bella Twins.  For some reason they’re not acting like themselves, but like their A-Team characters.  Rampage Jackson actually thinks he’s B.A.

Viewer’s Choice Match – Choose Stipulation – A) Match B) Arm Wrestling Match C) Dance Off

Dance Off
Santino Marella vs. Vladimir Kozlov
WINNER: Kozlov

Viewer’s Choice Match – Choose Stipulation – A) 6 on 6 Diva Tag B) Diva Battle Royal C) Champion vs. Champion

Diva Battle Royal
Order of elimination:

  1. Rosa Mendes
  2. Tiffany
  3. Kelly Kelly
  4. Alicia Fox
  5. Gail Kim
  6. Nikki Bella
  7. Brie Bella
  8. Layla
  9. Michelle McCool
  10. Eve Torres
  11. Jillian

WINNER: Maryse

Backstage: Kane approaches Sheamus and accuses him of taking out his brother, The Undertaker.  Sheamus says that if it was him, he wouldn’t hide it and would tell everyone!

Viewer’s Choice – Who faces Sheamus? – A) Kane B) Mark Henry C) Evan Bourne

Sheamus vs. Kane
WINNER: Kane via count out as Sheamus takes a walk

Video Package: A look at the NXT Winner, Wade Barrett.

Backstage: Savannah is with Wade Barrett and asks him about winning NXT.  He says it’s the start of something great and he also mentions something very cryptic about finding him in a couple weeks when something happens in WWE that has never happened before.

Backstage: Ted DiBiase & Virgil are shown talking about Viewer’s Choice and believe that they should be running the show.

  • Interrupted by the A-Team members who accuse DiBiase of taking The King’s crown…  Rampage threatens to punch Virgil in the face till he tells the truth…
  • IRS comes out wearing the crown saying “King never paid his taxes.”
  • It was a trap for the A-Team… The villains have gas masks and the rooms starts filling with some sort of toxin.

Viewer’s Choice – Choose Partners for R-Truth & The Miz

R-Truth – A) Christian B) MVP C) John Morrison
The Miz – A) Dolph Ziggler B) William Regal C) Zack Ryder

R-Truth & John Morrison vs. The Miz & Zack Ryder
WINNERS: Miz & Ryder via pin fall after Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on JoMo

Backstage: Edge bitches to Bret Hart about the match tonight.  He says that it’s not happening.  Bret tells him otherwise and walks away.

  • Kane approaches Bret Hart and threatens to put Bret into a vegetative state if he finds out that it was him who put out The Undertaker.

One Arm Match
Randy Orton vs. Edge
WINNER: Orton via DQ after Edge’s arm restraint came undone and relentlessly attacked Randy

  • Post match, Edge went for a Spear on Orton, but he countered with a kick and threw him out of the ring.  Randy went to stalk Edge, but ended up getting taken down.  Edge eventually beats Orton’s injured arm with a chair.

Backstage: John Cena thanks Evan Bourne for being his partner last week.  Savannah interrupts their pow wow to interview Cena about tonight’s match.  He’s excited about the WWE Universe getting to pick his opponent tonight.

Backstage: One of the A-Team guys wakes up from the gas.  Rampage Jackson is gone.  This guy winds up being approached by Mean Gene Okerlund who give him a pep talk about finding the rest of the A-Team.  Mean Gene also disrespects the guy who “replaced him,” Josh Matthews who happens to be standing behind him.

Backstage: Teddy Long announces three opponents for Viewer’s Choice to face Drew McIntyre – A) Yoshi Tatsu B) Goldust C) Mystery Opponent (looks like Matt Hardy‘s shadow)

Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy
WINNER: Hardy via pin fall after hitting the Twist of Fate

  • Pre match, McIntyre throws a hissy fit about Hardy being suspended.  Teddy Long sets the record straight saying that Hardy was suspended from Smackdown, not from RAW.
  • Post match, Hardy tries to grab McIntyre back into the ring for more punishment, but McIntyre squirms away.  Hardy ripped out some of his hair.

Backstage: B.A. (Rampage Jackson) is restrained by Ted DiBiase, Virgil & IRS.  They say they’re going to the ring.

  • After commercial, they’re in the ring.  DiBiase says that everyone has a price, including him and that he would serve B.A. on a silver platter.
  • Out walks Rowdy Roddy Piper… “I silenced Mr. T and now you’re Mr. T with a new A-Team movie… I’m going to do the world a favor and knock the mohawk off you…”
  • Out drives a golf cart with the other A-Team guy, Mean Gene Okerland, and Dusty Rhodes.  Rampage breaks out of his restraints and cleans house.
  • Mean Gene interviews the guys in the ring.  “Ain’t it great when a plan comes together!”

Viewer’s Choice – Who faces John Cena? – A) Jack Swagger B) Rey Mysterio C) CM Punk

  • All three cut promos as to why they should face Cena.

John Cena vs. CM Punk with the Straightedge Society
WINNER: No Contest

  • Mid match, Wade Barrett comes to ring side.  The other cast members from NXT surround the ring.  Punk and the SES are dispatched.  Cena tries to fight off an 8 on 1 beat down.
  • Nothing is safe at ring side.  We see almost everyone get the tar beat out of them including The King, announcer Justin Roberts, and the time keeper.  These NXT Rookies tear the ring, the mats, the announce table, and the barricades apart.
  • Punk tries to jump back in, but to no avail.
  • All eight go back in the ring to focus on beating down Cena.  Daniel Bryan slaps Cena around saying, “You’re NOT better than me!”
  • Barrett hits his Fireman’s Slam and it’s followed by Justin Gabriel‘s 450 Splash
  • They finally leave and medical tends to everyone at ring side.  Cena’s carted off and gives a shaky thumbs up to the crowd.


Viewer’s choice was either one of two things, 1) Rigged 2) Chosen by 12 year olds.  This was one of the most ridiculous episodes of RAW I’ve seen in awhile.  That was until the ending.  It’s sad that I had to watch 2 & 1/2 hours plus of garbage to get to something fantastic, and arguably one of the best moments on WWE television in years!  The show went from happy go lucky to down right serious and sinister, and I loved it for the most part.  The only thing that I didn’t care for was the fact that the guys who we’ve established on NXT as baby face type guys, are heels one week later with no real rhyme or reason as to why.  I’m guessing we might get that next week.  That was a good way to hype the premiere episode of season two of NXT.

The only real thing on the broadcast that I have to admit that I laughed at was Kozlov and Santino in the dance off.  I didn’t think that Kozlov would actually dance, and it really caught me off guard.