Smackdown – 6/11/10


Now that The Undertaker has been removed from Fatal 4 Way, and his spot has been filled, how would the Smackdown superstars deal with the new dynamic?  Also, would the NXT superstars make their presence known on Friday nights?  Find out what happened right here:

EDITORS NOTE: Once again My Network TV in my local area went back to showing Friday Night Smackdown on Saturday again.  I’m upset, but got to deal with things as the come.  Sorry for the delay in this post.

Video Package: Last week, Kane acknowledges The Undertaker’s taken out of action and holds a mock funeral for him.  Kane vows vengeance on whoever committed the act.

  • Rey Mysterio wins a battle royal to earn The Undertaker’s former spot in the Fatal 4 Way match.  The last man eliminated, Kane.

Rey Mysterio comes to the ring, “Last week I was given a second chance… I earned myself the vacant spot in the World Heavyweight Championship match at Fatal 4 Way…”  Says something in Spanish to the crowd…

  • Interrupted by Jack Swagger, “You capitalized on the misfortune of The Undertaker… I worked hard and perfected the art of wrestling…”
  • Rey responds, “I think all that higher education went to waste because everything you said was stupid…”  Rey makes fun of Swagger’s lisp… “You know what it’s going to take to win that title?  (Swagger responds, “A miracle…”)  Just one 619.
  • Interrupted by CM Punk and the Straightedge Society.  “Last Monday, I was the victim of an assassination attempt… but here I am because I’m no ordinary man… At Fatal 4 Way, I become the 4x straightedge World Heavyweight Champion, and this entire universe will have a champion to look up to.”
  • Rey responds to Punk, “I already beat you and shaved your head.  Why don’t you show the WWE Universe your bald head.
  • Interrupted by Big Show who comes to the ring too.  “We all know I’m going to walk out of Fatal 4 Way with the World Heavyweight Championship.”  He then shows respect to Rey, disses Swagger, and offers to remove Punks mask for him.
  • Kane appears on the titan tron, “As I gaze into that ring, I cannot help but think who is responsible for my brother’s demise… When I find who is responsible, the guilty party will be put in this (casket shown).  Maybe it was two of you.  Maybe it was all four of you…  There will be vengeance!

Non-Title Match
Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio
WINNER: Mysterio via pin fall after hitting the 619

  • Post match, Swagger jumps Rey from behind and beats him down big time.
  • Kane then comes down to the ring and Choke Slams Swagger and then as Rey struggles to get to his feet, Choke Slams him.

Lay-Cool come to the ring with their NXT Rookie, Kaval.  Both Layla & Michelle McCool disrespect the crowd saying that they’re going throw up looking at them, and that they would love to give them a make over.

Non-Title Match
Layla (with Michelle McCool & Kaval) vs. Tiffany with Kelly Kelly
WINNER: Layla via pin fall after hitting the Lay Out (Neck Breaker)

Video Package: Look back at the RAW incident where the NXT Rookies attacked John Cena and everyone/everything around ringside.

Christian to the ring for his match.  Vickie Guerrero comes to the ramp to introduce his opponent…

Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero
WINNER: Christian via sunset flip pin fall

  • Post match, Christian gets jumped from behind by Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer getting it with the Reverse DDT & Elbow Drop combo.
  • Ziggler then picks up Christian and locks on the Sleeper Hold to add insult to injury.  Vickie approves.

Backstage: Kane places a black wreath on the casket… “The fire will never be extinguished… You’re gone… My soul is tortured, but so are your assailants… They’re damned to hell!”

Drew McIntyre to the ring where he calls out Teddy Long.  Teddy comes out to the ring and McIntyre tells him not to speak and watch the titan tron (Video package shows Matt Hardy jumping the rail, while suspended, to attack McIntyre).  McIntyre then stops Teddy from talking again and points to the screen (Another package shows Hardy chosen as “mystery opponent” on RAW Viewer’s Choice this past week.  Hardy beats McIntyre)…  McIntyre speaks, “When it comes to Viewer’s Choice, I’m the chosen one… Once again, I’m going to do your job for you…”  He announces by order of Vince McMahon, Matt Hardy is suspended from all WWE programming.  He then turns to Teddy Long again, “Get a good look at my face beacuse I want to see your expression as I give this news to you… Teddy…”

  • Interrupted by Kofi Kingston, “I’m so sick and tired of listening to your whinning, crying, and throwing tantrums when you don’t get your way… so on behalf of the WWE Universe, I’m telling you to SHUT UP!  We’re opposites… when I want something, like the Intercontinental Title, I earn it.  When I don’t like something, I do something about it…”
  • Kofi attacks McIntyre with the microphone, and then eventually hits Trouble in Paradise!”

Backstage: Teddy Long trying to get a hold of Mr. McMahon, but cannot get past a secretary.

  • Drew McIntyre busts into the office, takes his phone, and throws it across the room.  “I tried to warn you… next week I have a match… against Teddy Long… If you don’t show up, you’re fired!”
  • Teddy looks distraught.

Big Show vs. CM Punk with Luke Gallows & Serena
WINNER: Big Show via DQ; Show tried to remove Punk’s mask so Gallows and masked assassin attacked him from behind

  • Post match, the SES beat down Big Show
  • Kane comes down to the ring and destroys the SES lackies as Punk and Serena run for the hills.  Kane turns his attention to Big Show and actually Choke Slams him.


The opening segment, and the opening contest of the evening took up practically 1/3 of the broadcast.  The segment was a little long winded because everyone who’s going to be in the World Title Fatal 4 Way had to be involved, plus Kane having to talk about the pain and suffering that he’s going to inflict on the person who attacked his brother.  Do we really need a drawn out segment to push all this stuff home?  Something simple between Swagger and Rey could’ve worked before their match.  No Big Show, no Punk needed.  Kane could’ve attacked all of the guys after their matches and we would’ve figured out that he still doesn’t believe that they’re telling the truth about jumping The Undertaker.

Lay-Cool’s talking before the match almost went longer than the actual match Layla had with Tiffany… Minus points for that.  Here’s a good rule of thumb for WWE.  If Michelle McCool isn’t going to be wrestling, don’t allow her to talk on the mic!  She annoys the piss out of me!

Please Lord do not let the WWE force Dolph Ziggler into a physical relationship with Vickie Guerrero!  I don’t know if I could hold back the vomit.  She needs to just be gone from WWE for good!

When it comes to this whole deal with Drew McIntyre and Teddy Long, I’m in between on how I feel about it.  Sometimes I can’t stand his whining, and other times, like tonight it wasn’t so bad.  The part that put things over the edge was finding out that Teddy has to get into the ring with McIntyre next week.  I’m interested in seeing if Teddy gets beaten to a pulp or Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston step up to bat for Teddy.

The main event was way too short.  It really wasn’t for Punk and Show, it was mainly so that Kane could destroy some more people.  YAWN!