Monday Night RAW – 6/14/10


With this being the last RAW before Fatal 4 Way, which superstars would gain momentum going into Sunday?  Also, would the NXT graduates strike again?  Find out what happened last night on RAW right here:

Video Package: Last week, the NXT graduates invade Monday Night Raw destroying John Cena and anything/any one in their way.

Wade Barrett is in the ring (lots of boos).  He introduces himself to the crowd.  “The reson I’m here is because the general manager of RAW asked me to apologize for my actions.”  He invites the NXT graduates to the ring.  They come through the crowd and jump the rail.  He asks them one by one to apologize, and all say in their own way NO! (more boos)  “Looks like it’s unanimous… The problem with NXT was we were treated like dirt, like animals.  Ifyou treat people like animals, they start acting like animals.  We were made to change in a locker room no bigger than a broom cupboard.  We were forced to compete in ridiculous challenges.  We were at the mercy of overzealous WWE Pros.  Worst of all we had WWE Management change the rules and make a joke out of us… We destroyed the WWE Champion last week and impressed everybody who was watching us…

  • Interrupted by GM Bret Hart.  “Where I come from, eight on one doesn’t make you tough.  To me that makes you cowards…”
  • Barrett comes in, “We had another member, Daniel Bryan, he shared your feelings, and strangely enough had some remorse, so let me assure you that you’ll never see him again.”
  • Bret tells the crowd that “despite the NXT’s efforts, John Cena will be at Fatal 4 Way.”
  • Barrett fires back, “This has nothing to do with John Cena, and nothing to do with the people in this arena!  This is between us and WWE.  Aside from our WWE Pros, we’ve got nothing against the guys in the locker room… Way I see it, I got a contract and a title match.  These guys behind me have some demands of their own.
  • David Otunga speaks for the group.  “We all want WWE contracts.  We want our own dressing rooms, and we want first class travel accommodations…  If we don’t get everything, last week was just the beginning…”
  • Bret Hart responds, “My answer for you is NO!”  (Barrett mutters, “big mistake!”)  Bret then informs Barrett that he’s not WWF’s (whoops) next breakout star, and he can kiss that title match goodbye because he’s FIRED!  Bret then threatens to call the police and remove them in the ring for trespassing.

US Title Match – Fatal 4 Way
R-Truth (Champion) vs. John Morrison vs. Zack Ryder vs. The Miz
WINNER: The Miz via pin fall on Truth to become the NEW US Champion

  • Miz stole the victory from Morrison.  JoMo hit Star Ship Pain on Truth, but Miz threw JoMo out of the ring and picked up the win.

Backstage: Josh Matthews catches up with Randy Orton in the locker room to ask him about the condition of his shoulder.  Orton tells him to just wait and watch what he does to Sheamus tonight.  Josh then asks for his feelings on the attack last week by the NXT grads.  Orton respects what they’ve done, but part of him thinks they’re just punks, and that they either deserve to be fired, or have their brains beaten in.  Orton thinks they got off easy.

Video Package: Big Show has a guest spot this week on Royal Pains on USA Network.

Backstage: Guest host is Mark Feuerstein from, Royal Pains.  He’s talking to The Bella Twins, and pimps out his show, asking them if they want to be a part of it.

  • Interrupted by Ted DiBiase & Virgil.  Ted offers Mark a new car to be co-guest host with him.  Mark sees that the Big Show has walked in the room and decides to play with DiBiase a bit saying, “NO!  I would love to let you guest host with me, but there is no way I’m going to, you spoiled little daddy’s boy!”
  • Big Show reveals himself, and intimidates DiBiase to diffuse the situation.  He offers DiBiase a tag team match.  He and Mark against DiBibase and Virgil, which is gladly accepted.

Chris Jericho vs. Evan Bourne
WINNER: Bourne via DQ

  • Bourne kicked out of the Code Breaker as Jericho hesitated to make the cover.  Jericho got so pissed that he didn’t stop beating him up before the 5-count for the instant DQ.
  • Post match, Jericho tried to continue the beating, but Bourne countered back eventually capping things off with Air Bourne.

John Cena to ring.  Claims he was given the night off by Bret Hart, but decided that his best interest is being in the ring right now.  He thanks Bret Hart for standing up to the NXT grads, and not giving into their demands.  He then congratulates the NXT grads for making five millions enemies (WWE Universe), and informs them that now everyone in the WWE wants their heads on a plate.  He then calls out the NXT grads to finish this, and says “If you’re listening, you have my word, I will not press charges…”

  • NXT grads come out of the crowd again to the ring and jump the rail.  Out of nowhere Jerry Lawler, Santino Marella, William Regal & R-Truth runt to the ring to make a stand with Cena.
  • Cena says to the NXT grads who hesitantly are waiting on the outside, “You want to make a statement, make it now!”
  • Brawl ensues.  Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Edge & Sheamus join the fray, and the NXT grads are run out of the ring, and eventually chased out of the arena.

Backstage: Josh Matthews catches up with Sheamus and asks him why he came out to help John Cena a few moments ago.  Sheamus comments, “If anyone’s going to take out Cena, it’ll bee me!”

Eve Torres & Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox & Maryse
WINNERS: Eve/Gail via pin fall after Eve hit a neck breaker on Alicia

  • Michael Cole mentions that at Fatal 4 Way, these four will compete for the Diva’s Title.

Big Show & Mark Feuerstein (guest host) vs. Ted DiBiase & Virgil
WINNERS: Show/Feuerstein via pin fall

  • Show did all the work and Feuerstein came in to do The Worm and hit an elbow drop on Virgil for the victory.
  • Post match, DiBiase looks disgusted with Virgil and it seems like he’s going to just walk away.  He walks back and stuffs a few bills in his mouth.  He then thinks better of it, grabs the money, and walks away.

Santino Marella vs. William Regal – Vladimir Kozlov (special referee)
WINNER: Santino via pin fall with a handful of tights and a quick count from Kozlov

  • Post match, Bret Hart comes to the ramp and calls the three men in the ring over to the ramp.  He also calls out the rest of the boys in the back out to the ramp to stand together so that history doesn’t repeat itself.

John Cena & Randy Orton vs. Sheamus & Edge
WINNERS: No Contest

  • Mid match, the titan tron shows the NXT grads trashing the back stage area, and they’ve kidnapped Bret Hart.  They throw him in a limo, and it crashes into a few other cars as a way to rattle Bret’s brains a bit.  They pull him out of the car and tell him that they want their contracts and they want an answer by Sunday.


I didn’t really expect Barrett to be fired, but I did think that there would be another attack attempt.  I just didn’t believe that it would be a kidnapping type attack on Bret Hart.  This week’s wasn’t as well done as last week’s attack, and it also wasn’t a total surprise, so I think that’s why it wasn’t as shocking.

Glad they actually acknowledged that Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) is actually gone from the WWE.  They didn’t at first, but Barrett eventually did when Bret talked about the eight on one attack.

AWESOME!  The Miz is the US Champion again!  He’s a sneaky little bugger, stealing the title right from the grasp of his ex-partner John Morrison.  It was also mentioned sometime after the four-way that R-Truth is getting his entitled rematch at the Fatal 4 Way PPV.

I’m not looking forward to the Diva’s Title match they announced for Fatal 4 Way… WWE Divas can barely even make tag team matches look decent let alone triple threats or fatal four ways.  That match could totally be a disaster!

Can I stress again how much I loathe when guest hosts actually get in the ring?!?  I’m so sick of this guest host thing.  Now that they have a GM they should just get rid of the whole idea.  They don’t need it, and the fans deserve to have more real wrestling, and less outside promotions of shows/movies I’ll NEVER watch.