Monday Night RAW – 6/21/10


After all the drama that went down at WWE’s Fatal 4 Way PPV in the main event, how would the RAW roster react to another attack by the NXT 7?  Find out what went down on RAW right here:

Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole fill us in on the attack by the NXT 7 at Fatal 4 Way and tell us about Sheamus walking away as WWE Champion.

Vince McMahon comes to the ring.  He acknowledges the NXT attack and the fact that Sheamus is now the WWE Champion.  Mr. McMahon then blames Bret Hart for not being there to diffuse the situation, and make the tough decision, so he relieves Bret Hart of his position as General Manager.  He then announces there’s a new GM running the show, but that person wishes to remain anonymous for now considering the chaos that’s gone on.  The new GM will be running things via emails sent to Michael Cole at the announcers table.

  • Almost instantly, Cole gets an email.  He reads it aloud, “All seven members of the NXT group have been hired, and will address the crowd tonight!”
  • Sheamus comes down to the ring.  He looks upset.  He apologizes to Mr. McMahon and says, “The way I won the WWE Championship was not the way I wanted to win the title.”  He adds,  “that he cannot accept the title under these conditions…”  He goes to hand back the title to Mr. McMahon, but then smiles, “but I will anyway!”  He then thanks the NXT guys for interfering, taking out Bret Hart, and giving him an opportunity to win the WWE Title…”
  • Interrupted by John Cena who looks embarrassed and slightly pissed.  He thanks Vince for the new GM.  Tells Michael Cole to send an email to the new GM to thank him for hiring the NXT guys so that he knows they’re going to be around.  Thanks Sheamus for winning the WWE Title because he gets his rematch, and he wants it tonight!”
  • Sheamus wants no part of Cena right now.  An email comes into Michael Cole from the GM, and it reads, “Tonight’s main event, Sheamus will defend the WWE Title against John Cena… and a special referee has been named… Mr. McMahon.”

Evan Bourne makes his way to the ring for a match, followed by Chris Jericho who has a microphone.  He vows that if he doesn’t beat Bourne tonight, he’ll walk away from WWE forever.

Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Jericho via pin fall after countering Air Bourne and following it up with the Codebreaker

Backstage: Mr. McMahon on phone with GM.  He asks if the GM could never surprise him again like that.  He doesn’t mind being guest referee, but to let him know ahead of time.

Backstage: Virgil is sitting in the locker room when Ted DiBiase walks in.  Teddy apologizes for his actions last week, but then fires Virgil saying he’s upgraded… In walks Maryse

  • Virgil asks “What about protection?”  Teddy responds, “I’ll just go to the drug store…” (LOL!)

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with The Hart Dynasty and asks them about Bret Hart being relieved of his duties.  They’re upset and they vow to never let anything happen like that again.  “These Harts won’t stop beating!”

Backstage: A limo pulls into the parking lot.  No one gets out, and we do not see who it belongs to.

Natalya with DH Smith & Tyson Kidd vs. Tamina with Jimmy & Jey Uso
WINNER: No contest

  • Mid match, NXT 7 come out to apologize for what happened to Bret, and the Harts attack.  Bad idea.  The NXT 7 beat them down.

After a commercial break, the NXT 7 are in the ring.  David Otunga on the mic.  He apologizes for the group’s actions.  Says they love WWE and would do anything to get contracts.  Now that they have them, things will go back to normal.

  • Heath Slater takes mic, “We have no problem with the WWE locker room or the WWE Universe.  Nothing personal…”
  • Justin Gabriel, “We want to apologize to Bret Hart… We hope you’re okay now.  Secondly we want to apologize to Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith.  We defended ourselves and we hope that we can move on peacefully.”
  • Darren Young, “We also want to apologize to John Cena… We needed to make a statement, and who better than the face of the company.”
  • Skip Sheffield, “We want to apologize to the WWE Universe.  We hope that you can forgive and forget.”
  • Michael Tarver, “I want to apologize to my kids as a single dad.”  He then justifies his actions.
  • Wade Barrett, “Why would I align myself with these men?  One word, loyalty… We wouldn’t let WWE management dictate our careers.”  He informs us that not only has his contract been reinstated, but his championship match for winning NXT.  Talks about how Sheamus is champion because of them, and he could be their next target.  He vows to be WWE Champion, no apologies.

John Morrison makes his way to the ring with his NXT season two rookie, Eli Cottonwood.  His scheduled opponent, Ted DiBiase walks to the ramp with Maryse.  He claims, “I have better things to do… (LOL!) but he found a suitable replacement for the match.

John Morrison with Eli Cottonwood vs. Zack Ryder with Titus O’Neil
WINNER: JoMo via pin fall after hitting Star Ship Pain

Backstage: Josh Matthews grabs John Cena in the hallway and asks about the NXT 7’s apology.  Cena’s a little pissed about it and says “every action has a reaction… apology not accepted!”

  • Mr. McMahon walks in, “Neither of you have any excuses… May the best man win!”

Mixed Tag Team Match
The Great Khali & Eve Torres vs. Alicia Fox & Primo
WINNERS: Khali/Eve via pin fall after Khali hits the Punjabi Plunge on Primo

  • Mid match, Alicia bails on Primo and walks away from the ring.

Randy Orton to the ring.  “NXT, you want to interfere in my match, fine!  It’s only a matter of time before I punt each one of you in the skull.  Barrett, I accept your apology, in fact I hope that you become the next WWE Champion because you’re staring into the eyes of the man who’s taking it from you!”

  • Interrupted by The Miz, “Really?  You in another title match, really?!?  I’m sick of seeing you in title matches.  There’s one thing you haven’t done, hold both the US Title and the WWE Title at the same time… So get to the back of the line because the next WWE Championship match is mine!
  • Miz attacks Orton, but quickly Orton turns it around.  Miz escapes the ring and a certain RKO.
  • Edge jumps in and Spears Orton, then grabs the mic, “Now the real fun begins Randy!”

WWE Championship Match
Sheamus (Champion) vs. John Cena – Special Secondary Referee, Vince McMahon
WINNER: No Contest

  • Mid match, NXT 7 come out, Sheamus runs for the hills.  NXT 7 throw Cena over the announce table and then push it over on top of him.
  • Mr. McMahon gets in the ring and asks them to stop it.  He invites them into the ring.  Mr. McMahon takes responsibility for their actions… Next week, he claims that the GM will reveal something…
  • The NXT 7 stare him down and circle him… Then beat the crap out of him.  McMahon is left lifeless in the ring, and the cameraman puts down his camera and calls for help (with McMahon in the shot).


I was almost suckered in by Sheamus’ little fake of giving the title back.  My thought process was “No way this is happening.”  Then he pulled the okie doke and we saw the real Sheamus.  I’m shocked we actually got to see the start of a WWE Title match on RAW.  It’s just a rarity that they give us a chance to see a major title match on free TV, but then again they didn’t finish the match decisively, so take it as you will.

Bourne and Jericho put on another good match.  I figured that Jericho would win the match the second he said he’d walk away if he lost.  Not many times do people actually lose their careers on a whim.

I laughed when I heard the subtle sexual jokes from Ted DiBiase tonight.  Now I know that WWE is a PG rated show, but if you weren’t paying attention, that joke could’ve gotten by anyone, especially a kid.  No harm, no foul I guess with that.

I got excited when I saw The Miz interrupt Orton’s promo.  I really was thinking that maybe this could be the time for Miz to get a push, but it came to a crashing halt when Edge renewed his rivalry with Randy.

All the stuff with the NXT 7, as they’re calling them this week, is just getting to be over kill.  They spent the carry over from hour one to hour two apologizing to the crowd for all the bad that they’ve done, and then they attack Mr. McMahon at show’s end.  The one thing I find ironic is the fact that the WWE had this whole TV show based around who’s going to win a WWE contract, and it’s all for nothing considering almost everyone from the show now has a spot on the RAW roster.  Basically, the show meant nothing other than to find the a leader of the group.