Monday Night RAW – 6/28/10


After all the drama with the NXT 7 over the course of the last few weeks, how much more fallout would we see this time around on RAW and who would be caught in the crossfire?  Find out right here:

Video Package: Last week, NXT 7 attack Vince McMahon.

  • Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole let us know that the NXT 7 would now like to be known as The Nexus.  They also tell us that Wade Barrett is appearing before WWE management to atone for the group’s actions.

Sheamus comes out to the ring saying that he’s disgusted at what went down last week.  He then says, “The champ is here” to mock John Cena.  He then claims that he would’ve beaten Cena whether or not the Nexus had interfered… He then gloats that the best part is now Cena isn’t the #1 contender anymore because he used his rematch…

  • Interrupted by John Cena.  Sheamus cuts him off before he can speak when he reminds Cena that he doesn’t get another title shot.
  • Cena doesn’t care about that right now.  He asks Sheamus for help saying, “Who do you think they’re going to go after next?!?  We don’t like each other.  So what!  You want to keep your title, help me…”  Cena then calls out the Nexus.
  • Michael Cole gets an email from the anonymous General Manager.  They decree that if anyone from Nexus attacks a WWE superstar, they will be terminated, and if any WWE superstar attacks the Nexus, they will be suspended.
  • Cena then goes on a rant about what he’s learned today, and suggest they have a rematch for the WWE Title right now…
  • Another email comes in, and this one says that Sheamus will NOT be facing Cena tonight, but instead he will be facing Mark Henry.  Moments after, another email comes in saying that the eight participants for RAW’s Money in the Bank match at the upcoming PPV will be announced later tonight.
  • Sheamus starts to walk away, and a steel cage starts to be lowered from the ceiling.  A third email comes through and it announces that Sheamus WILL defend his WWE Title against John Cena at Money in the Bank inside the steel cage!

Hart Dynasty to ring for their match, but they’re jumped from behind by The Usos & Tamina.  Tamina absolutely squashes Natalya with Superfly Splash.

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with R-Truth and asks him what should happen to the Nexus… “I say don’t fire them, let them loose in the WWE zoo, where I’m the zoo keeper!”

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella
WINNER: Kozlov via pin fall after hitting a Spine Buster

  • The word of mouth stipulation was that if Santino won, Vlad would be his tag team partner.
  • Post match, Kozlov tries to help up Santino who continues to fall over.  William Regal goes to the ring and beats up on Santino.  Kozlov comes to the aid of Santino and then carries him to the back.

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with The Great Khali & Ranjin Singh, asks about how he feels about the Nexus.  Khali spouts off something, and Singh translates it, but essentially calls Khali a big sissy who would run away from a fight with them.  I’m guessing Singh is pissed at him for some reason.

Justin Roberts introduces the guest host, Rob Zombie.  He comes to the ring to announce the eight Money in the Bank participants for RAW:

  1. Randy Orton
  2. The Miz
  3. R-Truth
  4. Chris Jericho
  5. Evan Bourne
  6. Ted DiBiase
  7. John Morrison
  8. Edge
  • Edge appears on the Tron and dogs Zombie saying the last time they spoke was before he dropped Zombie’s music as his entrance theme.  Zombie responds that Edge was disgracing him, and that he took it back.
  • Edge then goes on a tangent about Money in the Bank, and then shows a clip of him winning MITB and cashing in to earn his 1st major title.  He claims, he “owns Money in the Bank,” and vows to crush everyone in the match.
  • An email comes in from the GM and it’s to announce that all 8 participants in MITB will be in the main event tonight in an 8-man tag team mega match.

Non-Title Match
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
WINNER: Sheamus via pin fall after hitting the Pump Kick

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with the Nexus (minus Barrett) and asks them about the no contact ban between them and the WWE superstars.  Michael Tarver says that it goes both ways, but they can still make an impact…

  • Skip Sheffield goes and attacks a producer at the interview set.  They laugh it up a bit, and Josh looks afraid for his life.

Jerry Lawler in the ring.  He announces that there’s a DVD coming out Tuesday that’s going to be big… A video package is shown about Ricky Steamboat.

  • Steamboat comes out to the ring to the cheers of the crowd.  King brings out some legends who want to congratulate him on the DVD.  Out walk Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson, Mike Rotunda (I.R.S.), and Michael Hayes, who each say a few words.
  • Out from the back come the Nexus.  They surround the ring and start to pick off the WWE Legends one by one until Steamboat is left in the ring by himself.  “The Dragon” has nowhere to run and gets destroyed.
  • In the aftermath, Steamboat is carted out, and the other legends are helped out by referees.

Maryse & Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim & Eve Torres
WINNERS: Maryse/Alicia via pin after Alicia hit the Scissors Kick on Gail

8-Man Tag Team Mega Match
Edge,Chris Jericho, The Miz & Ted DiBiase vs. Randy Orton, Evan Bourne, R-Truth & John Morrison
WINNERS: Faces after Orton hit the RKO on DiBiase

  • Post match, a brawl breaks out between the participants.  Orton ends up being the one standing tall after he removes the prop briefcase from the cable up high.


Four matches inside of two hours, and I think the longest match was the main event at maybe 10 minutes…  Just sad when the Nexus attack segment of the WWE Legends took up as much time as the other three matches combined.  C’mon WWE!

Also, while I’m in rant mode, you have Rob Zombie come out to the ring for a few moments to announce the participants of the MITB match… What was the point in even having a guest host for last night show if that’s all he’s going to do?  How about NOT having a guest host period?!?  I’m so sick of this shit.  Sometimes I wonder why I even put myself through the torture of watching this crap.