Monday Night RAW – 6/12/10


After The Nexus has run rampant on Monday Night RAW over the past few weeks, last episode John Cena finally was able to single one out.  He has to pay the price though as the anonymous General Manager has put him in a 7-on-1 handicap match going into his steel cage match for the WWE Title at Money in the Bank this weekend.  Will Cena make it to this Sunday?  Find out here:

Video Package: Last week clips of the truce attempt between Wade Barrett of the Nexus and John Cena.  Things went crazy and ended up with John Cena being saved by most of the RAW roster.  He then singled out Darren Young and destroyed him.

John Cena to the ring.  He thanks the WWE superstars in the back who helped him with the Nexus, but then dogs the WWE Champion, Sheamus for not coming to his aid.  Cena then talks a little bit about MITB, and then goes into how tonight’s handicap match is not 7-on-1 anymore because Darren Young is out of action after last week’s beating.

  • The Nexus to the ramp (minus Young).  Wade Barrett says that in their match tonight, they can do anything to Cena with a clear conscience.
  • Michael Cole gets an email from the anonymous General Manager. It says, “If any superstar gets involved in the match tonight, they’ll be suspended for ninety days.  The Nexus must tag in and out or else they’ll be suspended for ninety days.”
  • Cena tells Nexus, “You may take me out, but I’m taking a few of you with me!”

Non-Title Match
Alicia Fox vs. Gail KimEve Torres on commentary
WINNER: Fox via pin after hitting the Scissors Kick

  • Post match, email from GM, “Due to Alicia feigning an inury, I have made a rematch for this Sunday at MITB.”

Mixed Tag Match
Hart Dynasty vs. The Usos & Tamina
WINNERS: Usos/Tamina via pin fall after big splash by Jey Uso on DH Smith

Backstage: Wade Barrett & Chris Jericho talking.  Barrett thanks him for all that he’s been taught.  Jericho knew that he’d be great because Barrett listened to everything he taught him.

  • Jericho walks away.  Josh Matthews tries to grab him for a question.  Jericho has no comment.
  • Cameras capture Barrett talking to Yoshi Tatsu and criticizing him for helping out John Cena last week.  Nexus surrounds him and beats him down.

Ted DiBiase & Maryse to the ring.  He takes the mic, and calls them the “million dollar couple…”  Not he and Maryse, he and the Money in the Bank case.  He claims that he’s going to win the match and then the WWE Championship.

  • John Morrison interrupts the lovefest and then insults Maryse.  Maryse spouts something off in French, and JoMo goes to “translate” and insults Maryse again.  She goes to slap him, he blocks it, but gets beaten down by Teddy.
  • Eventually Morrison turns it around, and tries to go for Star Ship Pain, but Maryse pulls Teddy out of the ring before JoMo can hit the move.

Video Package: A Brady Bunch video about Santino Marella‘s team taking on William Regal‘s team tonight.

Backstage: Guest Host, Florence Henderson (Mrs. Brady), is talking to Santino about the tag team match later, making jokes (w/ laugh track).

  • Interrupted by William Regal who comes in and makes a joke, but doesn’t get a laugh track and is pissed.
  • Florence tells him that he doesn’t get one because he’s not funny.
  • Regal responds, if he wanted valuable advice, he’d ask The Partridge Family.  Florence slaps him! (OOOOOHHHHH!!! sound byte)
  • Santino acts all hot and bothered by Mrs. Brady getting angry.

Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole inform us about R-Truth not being able to participate in MITB because of his injury sustained last week.  His replacement will be named later.

Video Package: Edge wins 1st MITB match and cashes it in to become the WWE Champion.

Edge vs. Randy Orton
WINNER: Edge via pin fall

  • Mid match, Chris Jericho comes to the ring and distracts Orton to give Edge the opportunity for the win.
  • Post match, Jericho hits Edge with Code Breaker.  Orton then follows that hitting Jericho with an RKO.
  • Evan Bourne runs down and starts beating up on Orton.  He sets up for Air Bourne, but Orton counters it out of mid-air into an RKO. (HOLY SHIT!)

Backstage: Josh Matthews catches up with Skip Sheffield of the Nexus.  He asks about the Nexus showing up tomorrow night on NXT.  Sheffield ignores him and walks away.

  • Sheffield runs into John Morrison, and tells him “watch where I’m walking!”
  • The Nexus surrounds him and beats him down.

The Miz to the ring.  He shows the footage of him beating down R-Truth, putting him on the shelf for Money in the Bank.  Miz comments, “I have never been more serious in my life… I took away R-Truth’s dreams of winning MITB with my bare hands… This Sunday when I have a ladder in my hands, it will pale in comparison to what I do…”

  • E-Mail interrupts Miz’s speech.  The GM is putting him in a match tonight against R-Truth’s replacement for MITB… “Just when you think you have the answers, I change the questions.”

Non-Title Match
The Miz vs. Mark Henry
WINNER: No Contest

  • Match ends abruptly as Henry tried to tackle Miz into the GM announcement podium at ringside and missed, hitting his head.  The Miz then tries to embarrass him by dumping a garbage can on Henry.

Guest Host, Florence Henderson comes to the ring and announces the participants in the Brady Bunch tag team match.

Santino Marella, Vladimir Kozlov, The Great Khali & Goldust vs. William Regal, Zack Ryder, Primo & Doink The Clown
WINNERS: Marella/Kozlov/Khali/Goldust via pin fall after Khali hit the Khali Chop on Doink’s head

  • Post match, Santino goes for a kiss from Florence, who was sitting ringside, but she bypasses him for Khali.

Video Package: SummerSlam recall – SummerSlam 1995 – Intercontinental Title Ladder Rematch between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon, won by Shawn.

Video Package: A look at WrestleMania 25 when CM Punk won his second MITB match in a row, and then goes on to win the World Title.

Backstage: Trainer tends to Evan Bourne who’s still hurt from earlier.  Sheamus approaches him and teases about his injury.

  • The Nexus walks up and Sheamus uses the opportunity to sell out Bourne who gets the crap beat out of him by Nexus.
  • Sheamus walks back to laugh at Bourne.  The Nexus comes back for him, and he runs trying to look for John Cena’s locker room.

Handicap Match
The Nexus vs. John Cena
WINNER(S): Nexus via pin fall after Justin Gabriel hit the 450 Splash

  • Post match, Cena punches Wade Barrett and then runs to the announce table area to get a chair.
  • Nexus surrounds the ring trying to attack Cena.  Out of nowhere, Sheamus runs out with a chair and comes to Cena’s aid.  The Nexus bails out.


In all honesty, there aren’t many things that WWE does that makes me go crazy and totally mark out.  The RKO counter of the Air Bourne made be go bonkers!!!  That was the coolest looking thing I’ve seen from WWE in a long time!  If you missed it, let’s hope this Youtube link still works:

The rest of the show was just silly, and what does Florence Henderson have to do with wrestling?!?  END THE GUEST HOST DEAL ALREADY!!!