WWE NXT – 7/13/10


Last night on WWE NXT, the season one graduates, now known as The Nexus, made their return to Tuesday nights.  Will the WWE Pros and the NXT Rookies be the target of the next attack?  Find out what went down right here:

Video Package: Is more destruction coming as The Nexus comes home to NXT?

Matt Striker & Ashley Valence welcome us to NXT and then introduce the WWE Pros who sit up on the stage.

  • They then introduce us to the Nexus who sit on the other side of the stage.  Wade Barrett has a microphone and says, “It’s a privilege to be here… To season two, we look forward to seeing you in action.  To the WWE Pros, we hope that you’re not planning on any trouble tonight because we’re here to watch the show.”

Alex Riley & The Miz vs. Mark Henry & Lucky Cannon
WINNERS: Henry/Cannon via pin fall after Henry hit the World Strongest Slam on Riley

  • Post match, Henry grabs a garbage can and dumps the contents on Riley as Miz looks on.

Video Package: A look at what the pros think of Alex Riley.

Video Package: WrestleMania XXVI when Jack Swagger won Money in the Bank and then went on to cash it in that same week and become the World Champion.

Video Package: Sheamus helps John Cena to hold off the Nexus from a further attack.

The Showtime Percy Watson Show takes place (he won the challenge last week to earn it).  Percy’s guest is his WWE Pro, MVP.  Percy gives MVP props for all that he’s taught him since coming into the NXT show.  Percy then says to MVP, “You know how you always tell me to cease the moment..?”

  • NXT Rookies from season two come to the ring.
  • MVP sees what’s going on, and calls for some backup from the WWE pros who come to the ring.
  • Matt Striker then comes out to make it official, and throws together a Battle Royal.
  • Wade Barrett speaks up and thinks that The Nexus should take part in the Battle Royal as well.
  • Matt Striker makes it a 20 man over the top battle royal.

Battle Royal – Team Based
WINNERS: The Nexus

  • Off the opening bell, The Nexus jumped through the ropes to the floor.  Not eliminated, but not really involving themselves in the match.  They would jump people after they got eliminated.
  • Eventually The Nexus gets into the ring and stick with their numbers to outlast everyone.  No members of the Nexus were eliminated.
  • Post match, The Nexus grabs the last three men eliminated (John Morrison, Kofi Kingston & Cody Rhodes) and just destroys them, capped off by Justin Gabriel‘s 450 Splash.
  • Matt Striker then asks for comment from Barrett who threatens Striker to back off before something bad happens to him.  Barrett then takes a mic and says that they’ve proved that they can make a difference in WWE.
  • Striker chimes in again, asking if they’re proud of what they did to John Cena on RAW.
  • Barrett says “I’m proud of everything we have done in this ring… Either you’re Nexus or against us!”


Tonight’s episode could’ve been better.  Battle Royals are my favorite match types, but tonight’s really fell short for me.  I don’t like the concept of a team thing when it comes to this because exactly what happened tonight can happen.  One team actually sticks together with a plan, and lets the others beat each other senseless till the numbers game gets the best of everyone.  It was booked to make the Nexus look solid, and the WWE roster look splintered.

The tag team match was just okay.  Nothing spectacular about it except for the fact that Henry dumped trash on Riley because he was pissed that Miz did it to him on RAW.  Big whoopie!