Monday Night RAW – 7/19/10


After Sunday night’s Money in the Bank PPV, who would be standing tall as “Mr. Money in the Bank,” and who would be the WWE Champion?  Also, would there be another attack by The Nexus on the RAW roster?  Find out what went down right here:

Triple Threat #1 Contender’s Match
Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge
WINNER: Orton via pin fall after hitting both competitors with an RKO (pinned Edge)

  • Post match (after commercial) Edge is pissed off and demands that Chris Jericho come back out to the ring.  He’s angry that they’ve been canceling each other out for so long, taking opportunities away, and years off each others careers.  Edge wants things to end tonight.
  • Jericho replies that he agrees with Edge and then uses his connection as a mentor to Wade Barrett of The Nexus to threaten Edge, believing that if asked for it, the Nexus would have his back.  Edge thinks he’s got better things to offer the Nexus than Jericho does.
  • Out walks Barrett and The Nexus.  Barrett says “They’d be lucky to have either man as an ally…”  As he speaks, the Nexus surrounds Edge and then pounces.  Jericho adds insult to injury putting Edge in the Walls of Jericho after the ordeal.  Unbeknown to him, the Nexus now is waiting to pounce again on him.
  • Barrett tells Jericho that “They’re not going to him take credit for all of their success,” and then attack.

Backstage: Nexus is walking back to their locker room when Josh Matthews pulls Wade Barrett aside to ask if the Nexus might be as effective in single’s competition?  Barrett replies that “they’re as good individually as they are collectively.”

  • WWE Champion Sheamus walks up.  He hopes to pitch a proposal to Barrett, but Barrett won’t listen unless Sheamus steps into their locker room.  No dice as Sheamus walks away.

Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole hold an interview with John Cena over the TitanTron (he’s backstage somewhere).  Cena talks about losing to Sheamus and about his issues with Wade Barrett.  He then comments on what just happened to Edge and Jericho.  He decides that he wants to meet with the Nexus in the ring and says, “If you can’t beat ’em…”

Maryse with Ted DiBiase vs. Eve Torres
WINNER: Eve via pin fall, but the ref didn’t notice Maryse’s feet on the ropes

  • Post match, DiBiase throws a fit to the referee, and out of nowhere John Morrison runs down and attacks him.

Sheamus to the ring to gloat about all of his victories over John Cena.  He then claims that he went backstage and called for a truce with Barrett and the Nexus… “Orton (now the #1 contender) will suffer the same fate as John Cena.”

  • Interrupted by The Miz (“Mr. Money in the Bank”).  He tells Sheamus that he doesn’t control the fate of the WWE Championship.  He does because he holds the case and says that he’ll be watching him (Actually quotes the Sting song).
  • Sheamus goes to leave, and an email comes in from the anonymous GM.  Michael Cole reads it, “Should Miz want to cash in tonight, I suggest that he take a seat ringside… Sheamus will be in action against…”

Non-Title Match
Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus
WINNER: Sheamus via pin fall after hitting the Pump Kick

  • Post match, The Miz runs in and hits Sheamus in the head with the MITB case.  He then plants him face first into the case with a Skull Crushing Finale.
  • Miz looks to cash in, but before the bell can ring, R-Truth comes out and tries to attack Miz.  The Miz grabs his case and fights off Truth.

Backstage: Josh Matthews grabs The Miz who’s pissed off at R-Truth for costing him this chance at the WWE Title.  Claims there will be others and he’ll be the WWE Champion soon enough.

Video Package: The SummerSlam Recall – SummerSlam 1998 (New York), The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champion) – Austin retains.

Backstage: Sheamus being helped to the locker room with ice on his head.  A few divas are laughing about something in the background and he thinks they’re laughing at him and gets pissed off.

  • Randy Orton walks up and let’s Sheamus know that there’s a bull’s eye on his back and that no matter what he’s going to hit the target with an RKO.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. William Regal & Zack Ryder
WINNERS: Marella/Kozlov via pin fall after Kozlov did the heavy lifting, and Santino scores the fall on Ryder

Wade Barrett vs. Mark Henry
WINNER: Barrett via pin fall after hitting the Fireman’s Slam (slightly botched b/c of Henry’s weight)

  • Mid match, Henry had things in hand, but was distracted when the Nexus came to the ramp while on the middle rope.  Barrett used the distraction to help lift him up for finisher.
  • Post match, Nexus to the ring and Barrett calls out John Cena.

After commercial, Michael Tarver speaks.  He says that they’ll hear Cena out if he acknowledges that they run the show.  He calls out Cena again.

  • Cena comes to the ring, “Since Nexus has arrived, I’ve had two title matches.  In the first, Nexus cost me the title.  In the second, you prevented me from regaining my title.  Sheamus made a truce with you guys, and it’s something I should’ve done a long time ago…”
  • Barrett says no!  Says that he’s not looking for peace, but he wants Cena to join them, and together they’ll be unstoppable.
  • Cena mulls it over, but says that he can’t do it.
  • Barrett gives him two options for tonight: 1) Leave the ring a coward. 2) Stand in the ring and take the most vicious beating that Nexus has administered.
  • Cena leaves the ring, and walks up the ramp.  He then turns around at the top of the ramp and says, “Whether I do it my self or with help, I will take each and every one of you down… Guess what?  I have help.  I have a team that will take Nexus out at SummerSlam.
  • His team comes out: Edge, John Morrison, The Great Khali, Chris Jericho, and Bret Hart.
  • They run down into the ring, and Nexus runs for the hills.


Opening contest was the best match on the card.  Probably one of the better matches I’ve seen on a Monday Night RAW in a long time.  The match also lasted about 1/4 of the broadcast, so that’s a plus in it’s favor.  WWE matches normally don’t go more than 10-15 minutes max when they’re a semi or main event, so I was pleased to see that they let these three veterans show their stuff in the ring.  Bravo!

All the other matches were just whatever for me.  I was really pissed the hell off when R-Truth interrupted Miz from cashing in MITB.  I’m a huge fan of The Miz and would love to see what they could do with him as the WWE Champion.  Ultimately, my gut reaction is that The Miz will be the first person to cash in, and then lose his opportunity… It’s got to happen to someone, right?

Was shocked to see Bret Hart back in the WWE again.  Didn’t think after the Nexus beat down previously, and his “firing” that he’d be back.  Pleasant surprise I’d have to say.  I’m guessing we’re going to see a big 14-man tag team match at SummerSlam now..?