Monday Night RAW – 7/26/10


As we get closer to SummerSlam, and The Nexus continues to run crazy on RAW, John Cena has formed a team to combat the threat of the youngsters.  Would the RAW superstars start to gain an upper hand with the PPV showdown only a few weeks away?  Find out all the RAW results here:

Video Package: Last week, John Cena forms his own army to combat the Nexus at SummerSlam.

John Cena to the ring.  He talks about the initial Nexus attack seven weeks ago, and all that has led up to last Monday.  He says that the RAW superstars finally stood together, and at SummerSlam, they will end Nexus!  Cena doesn’t want them to gain any more power because with power comes influence.  He says that his team will come together, friend/foe alike.

  • Interrupted by Chris Jericho who’s upset at Cena because he doesn’t like the idea of it being “Cena’s team.”  Jericho joined up because he’s got his own problems with the Nexus and specifically his former NXT Rookie, Wade Barrett.  He feels that he should be the captain and it should be his team.  (Cena doesn’t care about it either way)
  • Jericho starts ranting and Cena knocks the microphone out of his hand.  Cena says, “It ain’t about you or me, it’s about this damn business… You love this business!  That’s why we’re doing this.  We HAVE to coexist!  Chris Jericho, you are essential to this team!”
  • Jericho already knows how essential he is to the team because he’s the best in the world, but he also knows that there’s another threat out there, John Cena, because he’s more like the Nexus than he realizes.  No one realizes it because he does it with the support of the fans.  “After we take out Nexus, I’m going to take out the other threat… You Cena!”  (Cena stands tall telling Jericho to try something.)
  • Email from anonymous General Manager, read by Michael Cole.  “Cena/Jericho, your match versus Nexus will be an Elimination Match… There will be a preview tonight as Nexus takes on seven RAW superstars…”  GM also puts Cena/Jericho on the same side in a tag team match against a team to be named.  At the end of the speech, “If you’re not down with that, I’ve got two words for you…” (RAW took place in San Antonio…)

Randy Orton vs. Jey Uso with Jimmy Uso & TaminaSheamus watching at ringside
WINNER: Orton via pin fall after hitting an RKO

  • Post match, Orton’s focused on Sheamus when he’s jumped from behind by Jimmy Uso.  Orton fights back, and Sheamus jumps in the ring trying to hit Orton with the Brogue Kick (pump kick), but Orton ducks and the kick hits Jimmy.  Orton hits Sheamus with an RKO.
  • After the melee, The Miz hits the ring with a referee.  He’s going to cash in the Money in the Bank contract… That is until Orton hits him with an RKO.  Bell doesn’t ring, no match takes place.

Backstage: Edge is talking to Ted DiBiase & Maryse about the SummerSlam match against Nexus.  Edge believes that DiBiase should be in the match, and not The Great Khali because he’s big and awkward.

  • DiBiase believes so too, and when he beats John Morrison tonight, he’ll prove that he’s better than both of those guys.
  • Edge also says that he may have to force John Cena’s hand, and take out Khali himself.
  • Ranjin Singh hears this as Edge walks away, and goes to warn Khali.

Back in the ring, Sheamus & The Miz are arguing nose to nose.

  • Email from the anonymous GM.  He makes them the tag team to face Cena & Jericho in the main event.

Video Package: SummerSlam Recall – SummerSlam 1988 Honky Tonk Man‘s reign as the longest running Intercontinental Champion of all time comes to an end after being beaten by The Ultimate Warrior in less than 15 seconds.

Backstage: Edge in the locker room on the phone when Khali and Singh come busting in.  Khali’s pissed after hearing what Edge said about him and Khali challenges him to a match right now!

  • Edge denies the comments, but when the challenge is made, Edge accepts and then tries to make it to where if he wins, Khali’s off the team.

The Great Khali with Ranjin Singh vs. Edge
WINNER: No Contest

  • Mid match, Nexus comes down to the ring.  Edge and Singh run leaving Khali in the ring.  Nexus surrounds him, but doesn’t attack.  They eventually let him leave without incident.

Elimination Match
Nexus vs. Team Raw
WINNERS: Nexus in a clean sweep (7-0)

  • Order of elimination:
  1. Yoshi Tatsu (via Michael Tarver)
  2. Jerry Lawler (via Heath Slater)
  3. DH Smith (via Heath Slater)
  4. Goldust (via David Otunga)
  5. Mark Henry (via Skip Sheffield)
  6. Tyson Kidd (via Darren Young)
  7. Evan Bourne (via Wade Barrett)
  • Post match, Nexus destroys Bourne capped off by the Justin Gabriel 450 Splash.
  • Barrett then takes a mic.  He says that Cena/Jericho’s team are showing cracks because of their massive egos.
  • Sheffield adds that Cena’s team is working as individuals, where we are working for the betterment of the group.
  • Tarver adds that he hopes that at SummerSlam it turns out just like tonight, but Cena’s the last one remaining so that they can destroy him.

Backstage: The Miz is sitting around stewing over what happened earlier.  Sheamus busts into the locker room and says that Miz is dreaming if he thinks that he can win the WWE Title… Sheamus tells him to name the time and place, and he’ll leave The Miz black & blue.

  • Miz says “How about tonight, immediately after we face Cena/Jericho… I cash it in, hit the Skull Crushing Finale, and become WWE Champion…”
  • Sheamus replies, “You keep pushing me, I’m going to make you regret it!” Knocks the MITB case out of Miz’s hands.

Non-Title Match
Alicia Fox vs. Brie Bella with Nikki Bella
WINNER: Fox via pin fall after hitting the Scissors Kick

  • Mid match, Jillian comes out to the ring and prevents a Bella switch from occurring.
  • Post match, Jillian goes to celebrate Alicia’s win with a song, and gets hit with a Scissors Kick for her trouble.

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase with Maryse – R-Truth on commentary
WINNER: DiBiase via pin fall roll up

  • Mid match, JoMo sets up for Star Ship Pain when Maryse jumps on apron as distraction.  DiBiase rolls up JoMo with feet on ropes, but Truth pushes his feet off.  DiBiase argues with Truth, and avoids getting hit from behind by catching JoMo with a drop toe hold.  JoMo’s momentum has him collide head-to-head with Truth.  DiBiase gets the win.
  • Post match, Morrison and Truth argue about what happened.  Cena shown backstage looking disappointed that his team’s falling apart.

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with Randy Orton and asks about how he RKO’d the Miz earlier, and if that means he’d rather face Sheamus for the WWE Title.  Orton says that he RKO’d both men tonight, which means that he doesn’t care who he faces at SummerSlam.

The Miz & Sheamus vs. John Cena & Chris Jericho
WINNERS: Miz/Sheamus via pin fall after Jericho turned on Cena and hit him with the Codebreaker

  • Post match, Jericho locks Cena in the Walls of Jericho, but Cena reverses it into the STF.  The Great Khali comes out to stop Cena, and Edge spears him.  Team Cena all come out to the ring to argue.  Khali gets pissed and chops John Morrison & Edge in the head.


As I watched the opening interaction between Jericho and Cena, I got a churning in my gut… Jericho makes a good point.  Nexus isn’t the only threat to the business.  Cena himself HAS taken over the business and because he’s got the love of the fans, no one bats an eye.  Now I know this isn’t the most popular idea in the world, but what if this story line is the moment the WWE has been waiting for?  What if this is the time for Cena to turn heel???  Imagine this scenario for SummerSlam, 7 on 1 with Cena being the last remaining member of the team.  What if there was another infamous turn like Hulk Hogan did with the NWO?  What if Cena betrays every one of his fans that night?  That would make waves in the business and turn things on it’s ear.  I don’t know if it’s something WWE’s considering, but it would be big!

Now that it’s happened two weeks in a row, I can’t help but have the feeling that Miz is going to be the first person to cash in and lose the MITB contract match.  He’s had two brilliant chances thwarted because of outside interference, I’m getting to a point where I’d put up some cash that Miz is going to finally get a chance to cash in with no one else around, and then he goes and get’s caught in something basic like a small package pin.

Tonight’s SummerSlam Recall was an eye opening moment for me… It’s been over 20 years since the longest Intercontinental Title reign was put to an end.  I wasn’t even four years old when it happened, and yet thanks to DVDs, I remember it like it was yesterday.